We have to design and create a stack that performs the operations in constant time. Here we have one problem which is how to create mergable stack? Here we perform the below operation for merge two stacks.
- push(element): Insert the element in the stack.
- pop(): Remove the top element in the stack.
- merge (stack 1, stack 2): Merge or join 2 stacks.
Table of Contents
Here is some example of creating a mergable stack please have a look.
push(1, s1);
push(2, s1);
push(3, s1);
push(4, s2);
push(5, s2);
push(6, s2);
merge(s1, s2);
Merged Stack : 3 2 1 6 5 4
push(1, s1);
push(5, s2);
push(6, s2);
merge(s1, s2);
Merged Stack : 1 6 5
Here we first create two stacks and then try making mergable stack.
- Create two stacks s1 and s2.
- Create a function push that accepts integer value and stack as parameter. Initialize a node in it. update data of the new node as given integer and link it to the head of the stack.
- If the head of the stack is null update tail of stack as a new node. Else update the head of the stack as a new node.
- Create a function pop that accepts stack as parameter. Check if the head of the stack is null print “stack underflow” else store the head of the stack in a new node, update head as next of head. Return the data of the new node and delete the node.
- Create a function merge which accepts two stacks as a parameter. Check if the head of stack 1 is null update it’s head as a head of stack 2 and tail as the tail of stack 2 and returns.
- Else update next of the tail of stack 1 as head of stack 2 and tail of stack 1 as the tail of stack 2.
C++ Program to create mergable stack
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class node{ public: int data; node* next; }; class newStack{ public: node* head; node* tail; newStack(){ head = NULL; tail = NULL; } }; newStack* create(){ newStack* ns = new newStack(); return ns; } void push(int data, newStack* ns){ node* temp = new node(); temp->data = data; temp->next = ns->head; if(ns->head == NULL) ns->tail = temp; ns->head = temp; } int pop(newStack* ns){ if (ns->head == NULL) { cout << "stack underflow" << endl; return 0; } else{ node* temp = ns->head; ns->head = ns->head->next; int popped = temp->data; delete temp; return popped; } } void merge(newStack* ns1, newStack* ns2){ if (ns1->head == NULL){ ns1->head = ns2->head; ns1->tail = ns2->tail; return; } ns1->tail->next = ns2->head; ns1->tail = ns2->tail; } void display(newStack* ns){ node* temp = ns->head; cout<<"Merged Stack : "; while(temp != NULL) { cout << temp->data << " "; temp = temp->next; } } int main(){ newStack* s1 = create(); newStack* s2 = create(); push(1, s1); push(2, s1); push(3, s1); push(4, s2); push(5, s2); push(6, s2); merge(s1, s2); display(s1); return 0; }
Merged Stack : 3 2 1 6 5 4
Complexity Analysis to create mergable stack
Time Complexity: O(1) as all the operations are using constant time i.e. O(1).
Auxiliary Space: O(1) because we are using no extra space.