Hard | Candy LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Flipkart Goldman Sachs Google IBM Infosys Microsoft Uber | LeetCode |
Hard | Unique Paths III LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Cruise Automation Facebook Google JPMorgan Microsoft | LeetCode |
Easy | Invert Binary Tree LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle PayPal Uber VMware Yahoo | LeetCode |
| Validate Stack Sequences LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Google Microsoft Zoho | LeetCode |
Easy | Implement strStr() LeetCode Solution | Amazon Facebook Google Microsoft Yahoo | LeetCode |
| Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree LeetCode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg Microsoft Salesforce | LeetCode |
Medium | Implement Rand10() Using Rand7() Leetcode Solution | ByteDance LinkedIn Microsoft Uber Yandex | LeetCode |
Medium | Break a Palindrome LeetCode Solution | Amazon Expedia Facebook GoDaddy Goldman Sachs JPMorgan LinkedIn Visa VMware Zillow | LeetCode |
| Contains Duplicate LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Atlassian Facebook Intel Microsoft Oracle Uber Yahoo | LeetCode |
Medium | Remove All Ones With Row and Column Flips Leetcode Solution | Google | LeetCode Array Matrix |
Hard | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Citadel DE Shaw Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Nvidia Oracle Uber | LeetCode |
| Reverse Nodes in k-Group LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Capital One eBay Intuit MakeMyTrip Microsoft Oracle Snapchat Tencent Uber VMware Yahoo Zenefits | LeetCode |
Medium | Split Linked List in Parts Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Oracle | LeetCode |
| Single Element in a Sorted Array LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg eBay Google Microsoft Nvidia Oracle Twitter Yahoo | LeetCode |
| Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Dell eBay Expedia Facebook Flipkart Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Oracle PayPal Snapchat Twitter VMware Yahoo Yandex | LeetCode |
| Max Sum of Two Non-Overlapping Subarrays LeetCode Solution | | LeetCode |
| Detect Squares LeetCode Solution | | LeetCode |
| Design Bounded Blocking Queue LeetCode Solution | | LeetCode |
Medium | Minimum Increment to Make Array Unique Leetcode Solution | Coursera Databricks eBay Square Twitter Uber | LeetCode Array Sorting |
| Fibonacci Number LeetCode Solution | Amazon Expedia Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Oracle Yahoo | LeetCode |
Easy | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle Twitter Uber | LeetCode Tree |
Medium | All Possible Full Binary Trees LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Google Nvidia | LeetCode |
Hard | Stone Game IV LeetCode Solution | Apple Bloomberg Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Hard | Trapping Rain Water II LeetCode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg Google Twitter | LeetCode |
Medium | The Number of Weak Characters in the Game LeetCode Solution | ByteDance Google | LeetCode |
Medium | Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Google Uber | LeetCode Graph |
| Find Peak Element LeetCode Solution | Adobe Apple Bloomberg ByteDance DE Shaw Facebook Google HRT IXL Microsoft PayPal Roblox Uber VMware Yahoo | LeetCode |
| Group Anagrams LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon American Express Apple BlackRock Bloomberg ByteDance Citadel DE Shaw Expedia Google Intel Mathworks Microsoft Morgan Stanley Netflix Nvidia Oracle PayPal ServiceNow Twitter Two Sigma VMware Yelp | LeetCode |
| Sliding Window Maximum LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon American Express Apple ByteDance Citadel Google Intel LinkedIn Mathworks Microsoft Oracle PayPal Quora Salesforce Splunk Tesla Twilio Twitter Two Sigma Uber VMware Yelp | stack |
| Binary Search LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Google Infosys Microsoft Samsung SAP TCS Yahoo Yandex | LeetCode |
| Container With Most Water LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Arcesium Bloomberg ByteDance Flipkart Google Intel Intuit JP Morgan Microsoft Oracle Qualtrics Salesforce Samsung SAP Swiggy Tesla Uber VMware Yahoo | LeetCode |
| Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Audible BlackRock Cisco Citadel DE Shaw DocuSign Expedia Infosys Mathworks Oracle PayPal Salesforce ServiceNow Twilio Visa VMware | array |
Easy | Valid Anagram Leetcode Solution | Adobe Affirm Amazon American Express Apple BlackRock Bloomberg Cisco Dell Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Grab IBM JPMorgan Microsoft Oracle PayPal Qualcomm Salesforce Snapchat Spotify Tesla Uber Visa VMware Yahoo Yandex Yelp | LeetCode |
| Next Permutation LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Atlassian Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco DoorDash Facebook Factset Flipkart Goldman Sachs IBM JP Morgan Microsoft PayPal PayU Qualtrics Rubrik Salesforce Snapchat TCS VMware Yahoo | LeetCode |
| Paint House LeetCode Solution | Amazon Google LinkedIn Oracle Twitter | LeetCode |
Hard | Closest Binary Search Tree Value II LeetCode Solution | Amazon Google LinkedIn Oracle | LeetCode |
Medium | Sentence Screen Fitting LeetCode Solution | Google Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Flipkart Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Swiggy Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Salesforce Uber | LeetCode |
| Next Greater Element I Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Goldman Sachs Microsoft Oracle PayPal Salesforce Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Group Shifted Strings Leetcode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg Facebook Google Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Camelcase Matching Leetcode Solution | Amazon Google JP Morgan | LeetCode String |
Easy | Isomorphic Strings LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon American Express Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Peak Index in a Mountain Array LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Yahoo | LeetCode |
Medium | Valid Triangle Number LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Expedia LinkedIn Microsoft Robinhood Uber | LeetCode |
Hard | Swim in Rising Water LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple DoorDash Facebook Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Easy | Monotonic Array Leetcode Solution | Amazon Facebook Microsoft | LeetCode Array |
| Unique Binary Search Trees LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Google Microsoft Snapchat | LeetCode |
Hard | Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) – Duplicates allowed LeetCode Solution | Affirm Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google HRT LinkedIn Yelp | LeetCode |
Medium | Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals k Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Facebook Goldman Sachs Microsoft Palantir Technologies | LeetCode Array |
Medium | H-Index Leetcode Solution | Alation Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Nvidia | LeetCode Array |
Easy | High Five LeetCode Solution | Amazon Goldman Sachs | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Range Sum of BST LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Google Oracle Yandex | LeetCode |
Medium | Step-By-Step Directions From a Binary Tree Node to Another LeetCode Solution | Amazon Facebook Google Microsoft | LeetCode String Tree |
Medium | Reverse Integer Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cognizant Facebook Google Infosys Intel JP Morgan Microsoft Oracle Samsung Uber Visa VMware Yahoo | LeetCode |
Easy | Rotate String LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Cisco Goldman Sachs Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle Yahoo | LeetCode String |
Medium | Reveal Cards In Increasing Order Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon | LeetCode Array Sorting |
Medium | Find K Closest Elements LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Goldman Sachs Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle PayPal Salesforce Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Sort Colors LeetCode Solution | Accolite Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg eBay Expedia Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Grab Intel Microsoft Morgan Stanley Nvidia Oracle Pocket Gems Salesforce Samsung ServiceNow Spotify Sprinklr Swiggy Tesla Uber Visa VMware Yahoo | LeetCode |
Easy | Excel Sheet Column Number LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Maximum Side Length of a Square with Sum Less than or Equal to Threshold LeetCode Solution | Amazon AppDynamics Google Roblox | LeetCode Array |
Medium | Longest Common Subsequence LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon DoorDash eBay Facebook Google Indeed Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Range Sum Query 2D – Immutable LeetCode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg Facebook Google lyft Microsoft Nvidia Samsung Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Palindrome Number LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Cognizant Infosys Microsoft TCS Uber Yahoo | LeetCode |
Medium | Count Sub Islands LeetCode Solution | Amazon Twitter | LeetCode Array Depth First Search Matrix |
Easy | Find the Town Judge LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Google | LeetCode |
Medium | Continuous Subarray Sum LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Google Microsoft Snapchat Yandex | LeetCode Array Hashing |
Medium | Find the Winner of the Circular Game LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Goldman Sachs | LeetCode Array Queue |
Hard | Vertical Order Traversal of Binary Tree LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Atlassian Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Microsoft Samsung Uber | LeetCode Depth First Search Hashing Tree |
Medium | Top K Frequent Elements LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Arcesium Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco eBay Facebook Google Indeed LinkedIn Netflix Snapchat Tesla Twitter VMware Yelp | LeetCode Array Hashing Sorting |
Medium | Shifting Letters LeetCode Solution | Amazon Facebook Microsoft Oracle | LeetCode Array String |
Hard | Divide Chocolate LeetCode Solution | Amazon Facebook Google | LeetCode Array |
Medium | Total Hamming Distance LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Facebook | LeetCode |
| Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box LeetCode Solution | Amazon Google | LeetCode |
Hard | Jump Game IV LeetCode Solution | Amazon Google Twitter | LeetCode Array Breadth First Search Hashing |
Medium | Valid Triangle Number LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Expedia LinkedIn Robinhood Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Reach a Number LeetCode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode |
Medium | Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Facebook Flipkart Google JPMorgan Microsoft Oracle Salesforce Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Sum Root to Leaf Numbers LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Paytm | LeetCode Depth First Search Tree |
Medium | Score of Parenthesis LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Google Infosys VMware | LeetCode Stack String |
Easy | Rectangle Overlap LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple DocuSign Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Qualcomm Samsung ServiceNow Uber | LeetCode |
Easy | Maximum Population Year LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Bloomberg Cisco eBay Facebook Google Microsoft | LeetCode Array |
Medium | Minimum Swaps to Group All 1’s Together Leetcode Solution | Amazon Expedia IBM Twitter | LeetCode Array |
| Greatest Sum Divisible by Three LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Bloomberg Facebook | LeetCode |
Easy | Binary Tree Inorder Traversal LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Oracle Yahoo | LeetCode Depth First Search Stack Tree |
Hard | Stone Game IV LeetCode Solution | Apple Bloomberg Game Theory Google Microsoft | LeetCode Dynamic Programming |
Medium | Is Graph Bipartite? LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple ByteDance eBay Facebook Google LinkedIn Snapchat Uber | LeetCode Depth First Search Graph |
Medium | Insert into a Sorted Circular Linked List LeetCode Solution | Amazon Facebook Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Design Add and Search Words Data Structure LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple ByteDance Facebook Google lyft Microsoft Nvidia Oracle Twitter Uber | LeetCode Depth First Search Design String Trie |
Easy | Detect Capital Leetcode Solution | Amazon Google | LeetCode String |
Easy | Maximum Population Year LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Bloomberg Cisco eBay Facebook Google Microsoft | LeetCode Array |
Hard | Best Meeting Point LeetCode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg Expedia Facebook Google Microsoft Snapchat Twitter | LeetCode Array Matrix Sorting |
Medium | Minimum Path Sum Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Oracle PayPal ServiceNow Snapchat Square Tesla Uber | LeetCode Array Dynamic Programming Matrix |
Easy | Min Cost Climbing Stairs LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Uber VMware | LeetCode Array Dynamic Programming |
Medium | Decode String Leetcode Solution | Adobe Alibaba Amazon Apple Arcesium Bloomberg ByteDance C3 IoT Cisco Citrix Coupang Cruise Automation eBay Facebook Google Intuit Microsoft Oracle Qualtrics Salesforce SAP Snapchat Splunk Uber VMware Yelp | LeetCode Stack String |
Medium | Number of Subsequences That Satisfy the Given Sum Condition LeetCode solution | Amazon Facebook Google Snapchat Uber | LeetCode Array Sorting |
Easy | Find the Town Judge LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Google | LeetCode Array Graph Hashing |
Medium | Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Salesforce Uber | LeetCode Depth First Search Stack Tree |
Medium | Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Leetcode Solution | Adobe Affirm Amazon AppDynamics Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Citadel Databricks eBay Expedia Facebook Flipkart Goldman Sachs Google HRT Indeed Intel IXL LinkedIn Microsoft Nvidia Oracle Pocket Gems Quora Snapchat Tesla Twitter Two Sigma Uber VMware Yandex Yelp Zillow | LeetCode Array Design Hashing |
Easy | Arranging Coins Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Atlassian Bloomberg GoDaddy Microsoft Salesforce | LeetCode |
Medium | Odd Even Linked List Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance eBay Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle VMware | LeetCode |
Medium | Add Two Numbers II Leetcode Solution | Accolite Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Capital One eBay Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Samsung Uber Yahoo | LeetCode Stack |
Hard | Substring with Concatenation of All Words Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle | LeetCode Hashing String |
Medium | Design A Leaderboard Leetcode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Twitch Twitter Uber Wayfair | LeetCode Design Hashing |
Easy | Concatenation of Array LeetCode Solution | Adobe Bloomberg GE Healthcare Google | LeetCode Array |
Hard | Sliding Window Median Leetcode Solution | Adobe Apple Flipkart Google JPMorgan | LeetCode Array Hashing |
Medium | Divide Two Integers Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Uber Yahoo | LeetCode |
Hard | Robot Room Cleaner Leetcode Solution | Amazon ByteDance Facebook Google Microsoft | LeetCode Backtracking |
Medium | The kth Factor of n Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Cisco Expedia Twitter | LeetCode |
Medium | Daily Temperatures Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance C3 IoT Cisco DE Shaw Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle PayPal Salesforce Twitter Uber Visa Zillow | LeetCode Array Stack |
Medium | Different Ways to Add Parentheses Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Bloomberg ByteDance Citadel Facebook Flipkart Google Microsoft Samsung Snapchat | LeetCode Dynamic Programming String |
Medium | LRU Cache Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Atlassian Bloomberg ByteDance Capital One Cisco Citadel Citrix Cohesity DocuSign Dropbox eBay Expedia Facebook GoDaddy Goldman Sachs Google Grab Infosys Intel Intuit JPMorgan LinkedIn MakeMyTrip Microsoft Morgan Stanley Nutanix Nvidia Oracle Palantir Technologies PayPal Roblox Salesforce ServiceNow Snapchat Splunk Sprinklr Square Tesla Twilio Twitch Twitter Uber VMware Yahoo Yandex Zenefits Zillow | LeetCode Design |
Hard | Bus Routes Leetcode Solution | Amazon Google Square Uber | LeetCode Array Breadth First Search Hashing |
Hard | Subarrays with K Different Integers Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Google Uber | LeetCode Array Hashing |
Medium | Diameter of N-Ary Tree LeetCode Solution | Facebook Google Microsoft | LeetCode Depth First Search Tree |
Medium | Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Facebook Google Microsoft | LeetCode Array |
Medium | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple ByteDance Facebook Google Intuit Karat LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle Palantir Technologies PayPal Spotify Yandex | LeetCode Depth First Search Tree |
Medium | Generate Parentheses Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance C3 IoT Facebook Google Intuit Microsoft Oracle Spotify Tesla Uber | LeetCode Backtracking Dynamic Programming String |
Medium | K Closest Points to Origin Leetcode Solution | Amazon Asana Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft | LeetCode Array Sorting |
Medium | Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Goldman Sachs LinkedIn Microsoft Salesforce Snapchat Uber Yahoo | LeetCode Stack String |
Medium | Next Permutation Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance DoorDash Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle PayU Rubrik Uber | LeetCode Array |
Medium | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Intuit Microsoft Oracle PayPal Salesforce Samsung Spotify Uber VMware Yahoo Yandex Zillow | LeetCode String |
Hard | Merge k Sorted Lists Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Google Indeed LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle Sprinklr VMware Yandex | LeetCode |
Hard | Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling Leetcode Solution | Airbnb Amazon Atlassian DoorDash Google Microsoft Swiggy Uber | LeetCode Array Dynamic Programming Sorting |
Medium | Matchsticks to Square Leetcode Solution | Microsoft | LeetCode Array Backtracking |
Medium | Design Underground System Leetcode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg | LeetCode Design String |
Medium | Range Sum Query 2D – Immutable Leetcode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg Facebook Google lyft Microsoft Nvidia Samsung | matrix |
Medium | Partition Labels LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Nutanix Oracle Uber VMware Yandex | LeetCode |
Easy | Flipping an Image LeetCode Solution | Facebook Google Yahoo | LeetCode |
Easy | Concatenation of Array LeetCode Solution | Adobe Bloomberg GE Healthcare Google | LeetCode |
Easy | Fibonacci Number LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Infosys JPMorgan Mathworks Microsoft Nvidia Oracle SAP Uber VMware Zillow | LeetCode |
Medium | Diagonal Traversal LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple DoorDash Facebook Google Microsoft Robinhood Visa | LeetCode |
Easy | Longest Common Prefix Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Cisco Expedia Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Quora SAP Snapchat Uber | LeetCode String |
Medium | Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze LeetCode Solution | Amazon Facebook Uber | LeetCode |
Hard | Trapping Rain Water Leetcode Solution | Accolite Adobe Airbnb Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco Citadel Databricks DE Shaw eBay Expedia Facebook Flipkart Goldman Sachs Google Grab Intel Intuit lyft Microsoft Morgan Stanley Oracle PayPal Publicis Sapient Qualtrics Rubrik ServiceNow Snapchat Swiggy Tesla Twitch Twitter Uber Visa VMware Yahoo Zenefits Zoho | LeetCode Array Dynamic Programming Stack |
Easy | Maximum Difference Between Increasing Elements LeetCode Solution | Cisco Expedia | LeetCode |
Easy | Valid Palindrome II Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg eBay Facebook Google MakeMyTrip Microsoft Oracle Uber Wish Yahoo | LeetCode String |
Medium | Valid Tic-Tac-Toe State LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle | LeetCode |
Medium | Decrease Elements To Make Array Zigzag LeetCode Solution | Google | LeetCode |
Easy | Reverse Words in a String III LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg eBay Facebook Google Microsoft PayPal Paytm Snapchat Yandex | LeetCode |
Medium | Filter Restaurants by Vegan-Friendly, Price and Distance Leetcode Solution | Amazon Yelp | LeetCode |
Medium | Count Submatrices With All Ones LeetCode Solution | Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Brightest Position on Street LeetCode Solution | Amazon Robinhood | LeetCode |
Easy | Remove Duplicates from Sorted List LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Oracle PayPal Qualcomm Yahoo | LeetCode |
Medium | Clone Graph LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance DiDi DocuSign Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Pinterest Pocket Gems Qualtrics Salesforce Twitter Uber | LeetCode |
Easy | Valid Parentheses Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Cisco Expedia Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Intel LinkedIn Microsoft Netflix Oracle Salesforce ServiceNow Spotify TCS VMware Yandex Zillow | LeetCode Stack String |
Medium | Minimum Height Trees LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Snapchat | LeetCode |
Medium | Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Google Microsoft Twitter Uber | LeetCode |
Hard | Number of Islands II LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Facebook Google Microsoft Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Minimum Sideway Jumps LeetCode Solution | Pony.ai | LeetCode |
Medium | Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder Traversal LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Bloomberg Google Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Number of Dice Rolls With Target Sum LeetCode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg ByteDance Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Hard | Race Car LeetCode Solution | Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Hard | Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple ByteDance DiDi Facebook Google Microsoft Pinterest Snapchat Uber | LeetCode |
Easy | Can Place Flowers LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook LinkedIn Microsoft Yahoo | LeetCode |
Easy | First Unique Character in a String LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Oracle PayPal Salesforce ServiceNow TCS Twitter Visa VMware Yahoo Yandex Zillow | LeetCode |
Medium | Analyze User Website Visit Pattern LeetCode Solution | Amazon Audible DoorDash Microsoft Spotify Twitter Wish | LeetCode |
Easy | Invert Binary Tree LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle PayPal Uber VMware Yahoo | LeetCode |
Easy | Closest Binary Search Tree Value Leetcode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Snapchat | LeetCode |
Medium | Partition List Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Design Browser History LeetCode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg DoorDash Google Microsoft Oracle Wish | LeetCode |
Medium | Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Atlassian Citadel DoorDash Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle VMware Yandex | LeetCode |
Medium | Smallest Range II Leetcode Solution | Adobe Apple | LeetCode |
Medium | 3Sum Closest LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Cisco Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Rubrik Tesla Uber VMware | LeetCode |
Medium | Largest Plus Sign Leetcode Solution | Facebook Microsoft Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Contiguous Array LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Facebook Google Microsoft VMware | LeetCode |
Medium | Maximum Number of Occurrences of a Substring Leetcode Solution | Amazon Atlassian Bloomberg Facebook PayPal Roblox Twitter | LeetCode |
Medium | Nested List Weight Sum II LeetCode Solution | Facebook LinkedIn | LeetCode |
Hard | N-Queens LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Nutanix Uber | LeetCode |
Hard | Largest Rectangle in Histogram LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance DoorDash eBay Facebook Flipkart Google lyft Microsoft Nvidia Snapchat TCS Twitter Uber | LeetCode |
Hard | Regular Expression Matching Regular Expression Matching LeetCode Solution | Adobe Airbnb Amazon Apple Bloomberg Coursera eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google JPMorgan Microsoft Nvidia Paytm Snapchat Twitter Uber Yahoo | LeetCode |
Medium | Binary Tree Right Side View LeetCode Solution | Accolite Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance DoorDash eBay Facebook Factset Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Oracle PayPal Uber VMware | LeetCode |
Medium | Zigzag Conversion LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Microsoft PayPal Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Maximize Distance to Closest Person LeetCode Solution | Amazon Audible Google Microsoft Nvidia Yandex | LeetCode |
Easy | Third Maximum Number Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Facebook Google | LeetCode |
Medium | Smallest Common Region Leetcode Solution | Airbnb | LeetCode |
Medium | Minesweeper LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Cruise Automation DocuSign Facebook Google Microsoft Pinterest Square Uber Zillow | LeetCode |
Medium | Koko Eating Bananas LeetCode Solution | Adobe Airbnb Amazon Apple DoorDash Facebook Google | LeetCode |
Medium | Time Based Key-Value Store LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Atlassian ByteDance Citadel Databricks Facebook Google LinkedIn lyft Microsoft Netflix Oracle Snapchat Twitter Uber VMware Zillow | LeetCode |
Hard | Find Median from Data Stream LeetCode Solution | Adobe Airbnb Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Citadel DoorDash eBay Expedia Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Indeed IXL LinkedIn Microsoft Nvidia Oracle Paytm Salesforce SAP Snapchat Spotify Twilio Twitter Uber VMware Wish | LeetCode |
Medium | Permutation in String Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Yandex | LeetCode |
Easy | Determine Whether Matrix Can Be Obtained By Rotation LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon | LeetCode |
Easy | Reformat Date LeetCode Solution | Apple Expedia Twilio | LeetCode |
Medium | Asteroid Collision LeetCode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg ByteDance Citadel DE Shaw DoorDash Facebook Flipkart Goldman Sachs Google lyft Microsoft Oracle Robinhood Salesforce Uber | LeetCode |
Easy | Reorder Data in Log Files LeetCode Solution | Amazon Audible Google | LeetCode |
Medium | Diagonal Traverse LeetCode Solution | Apple DoorDash Facebook Google Microsoft Robinhood Visa | LeetCode |
Hard | Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance DE Shaw DoorDash Facebook Google Microsoft Myntra Qualtrics Snapchat | LeetCode |
Easy | Sort Array by Increasing Frequency Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg C3 IoT eBay Facebook Google Oracle Twilio | LeetCode Array |
Medium | Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft Pinterest Salesforce | LeetCode Array Backtracking Dynamic Programming |
Hard | Optimal Account Balancing LeetCode Solution | Affirm Amazon ByteDance eBay Google Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Number of Closed Islands Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Coupang Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Uber | LeetCode |
Hard | Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Citadel DoorDash eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google LinkedIn Microsoft Nutanix Nvidia Oracle Quora Snapchat Splunk Square Uber VMware Yahoo | LeetCode |
Hard | Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance DiDi DoorDash Facebook Flipkart Google LinkedIn Microsoft Myntra Oracle Paytm Samsung Snapchat Sprinklr Twitter Uber VMware Wish Yahoo Yandex | LeetCode |
Medium | Robot Bounded In Circle LeetCode Solution | Adobe Airbnb Amazon Apple Bloomberg Expedia Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Minimum Knight Moves LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon ByteDance Cisco DocuSign DoorDash Expedia Facebook Google Indeed LinkedIn Mathworks Microsoft Oracle Salesforce Twitch Twitter | LeetCode |
Hard | Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Atlassian DE Shaw DocuSign Facebook Flipkart Goldman Sachs Google lyft Mathworks Morgan Stanley Oracle Salesforce Twitter VMware | LeetCode |
| Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco DocuSign eBay Facebook Flipkart GoDaddy Goldman Sachs Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle Paytm Salesforce Samsung SAP ServiceNow Uber VMware | LeetCode |
Medium | Find the Duplicate Number LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Cisco eBay Expedia Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Nutanix PayPal Qualcomm Splunk Uber VMware Yahoo | LeetCode |
Medium | Snakes and Ladders LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Cisco Google Microsoft Uber | LeetCode |
Hard | Arithmetic Slices II – Subsequence LeetCode Solution | Adobe Google Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Missing Element in Sorted Array LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance eBay Facebook Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Path Sum II LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Flatten 2D Vector LeetCode Solution | Airbnb Apple Google Twitter Zenefits | LeetCode |
Hard | Alien Dictionary LeetCode Solution | Airbnb Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Coupang eBay Facebook Flipkart Google Microsoft Pinterest Snapchat Twitter Uber VMware | LeetCode |
Medium | Product of Array Except Self LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon American Express Apple Asana Bloomberg Citadel eBay Expedia Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Intel JPMorgan LinkedIn lyft MakeMyTrip Microsoft Nutanix Nvidia Oracle PayPal SAP ServiceNow Twitter Uber VMware Yahoo Yandex | LeetCode |
Hard | Design Skiplist LeetCode Solution | Databricks eBay Facebook Google Microsoft Twitter | LeetCode |
Hard | Scramble String LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Facebook Yahoo | LeetCode |
Easy | Longest Nice Substring LeetCode Solution | Microsoft | LeetCode |
Easy | Sum of Left Leaves LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Facebook | LeetCode |
Easy | Palindrome Permutation LeetCode Solution | Bloomberg Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Prime Palindrome LeetCode Solution | | LeetCode |
Easy | Intersection of Two Linked Lists LeetCode Solution | Adobe Airbnb Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Intuit LinkedIn Microsoft Morgan Stanley Nutanix Nvidia Oracle PayPal Qualcomm Samsung Spotify Uber Yahoo | LeetCode |
Hard | Permutation Sequence LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Google Microsoft Twitter Yahoo | LeetCode |
Medium | Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Facebook LinkedIn Samsung | LeetCode |
Medium | Search Suggestions System LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Oracle | LeetCode |
Medium | Rotate Image LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco Databricks eBay Facebook Google Microsoft Nvidia Oracle Paytm Quora ServiceNow Uber VMware | LeetCode |
Medium | Peeking Iterator LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple eBay Facebook Google Microsoft Yahoo | LeetCode |
Hard | Orderly Queue LeetCode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode |
Easy | Defanging an IP Address LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Yahoo | LeetCode |
Medium | Convert to Base -2 LeetCode Solution | Airbnb Grab LinkedIn | LeetCode |
Medium | Kth Smallest Element in a BST Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Citadel eBay Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle Uber VMware | LeetCode |
Medium | Friends Of Appropriate Ages LeetCode Solution | Facebook | LeetCode |
Medium | Find Leaves of Binary Tree LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Atlassian Bloomberg eBay Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Top K Frequent Words LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Expedia Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Nvidia Oracle PayPal Salesforce Two Sigma Uber Visa Wish Yahoo | LeetCode |
Medium | Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Arcesium Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft | LeetCode Breadth First Search Depth First Search Tree |
Medium | Coin Change 2 Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco Citadel Facebook Google Microsoft TCS Uber | LeetCode Array Dynamic Programming |
Medium | Increasing Triplet Subsequence LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Bloomberg Facebook Google Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Delete Nodes and Return Forest Leetcode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Google Intuit Microsoft Oracle Salesforce | LeetCode Depth First Search Tree |
Hard | Frog Jump Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Salesforce Snapchat Yahoo | LeetCode Array Dynamic Programming |
Medium | Array Nesting Leetcode Solution | Adobe Apple Bloomberg | LeetCode |
Hard | Parallel Courses II LeetCode Solution | Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Easy | Merge Sorted Array LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google IBM Indeed LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle PayPal Salesforce Uber Visa | LeetCode |
Hard | Employee Free Time LeetCode Solution | Airbnb Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Coupang DoorDash Facebook Google Intuit Karat Microsoft Oracle Pinterest Quora Snapchat Uber Wayfair Yahoo | LeetCode |
Hard | Minimum Possible Integer After at Most K Adjacent Swaps On Digits LeetCode Solution | Amazon Flipkart | LeetCode |
Hard | The Maze III LeetCode Solution | Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Swapping Nodes in a Linked List Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Bloomberg Facebook Microsoft | LeetCode |
Hard | Remove Max Number of Edges to Keep Graph Fully Traversable Leetcode Solution | Adobe Uber | LeetCode |
Hard | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II LeetCode Solution | Amazon Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Largest Number Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple ByteDance eBay Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Salesforce Samsung Tesla Uber Visa VMware | LeetCode Sorting String |
Easy | Delete Node in a Linked List Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Cisco Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Qualcomm Samsung | LeetCode |
Easy | Build Array From Permutation Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Uber | LeetCode Array |
Medium | Number of Distinct Islands Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance eBay Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Snapchat Uber | LeetCode Breadth First Search Depth First Search |
Medium | Number of Orders in the Backlog Leetcode Solution | Amazon Robinhood | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Find if Path Exists in Graph Leetcode Solution | Amazon Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Recover Binary Search Tree Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Google Microsoft Oracle Salesforce Uber VMware | LeetCode Depth First Search Tree |
Medium | Closest Leaf in a Binary Tree LeetCode Solution | Amazon Databricks Facebook JPMorgan Paytm | LeetCode |
Medium | Ugly Number II LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Citadel Facebook Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Invalid Transactions LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg | LeetCode |
Medium | Find a Peak Element II LeetCode Solution | Facebook Google HRT Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Combination Sum IV LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Snapchat Wish | LeetCode |
Hard | Reducing Dishes LeetCode Solution | American Express | LeetCode |
Medium | String to Integer (atoi) LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Cisco Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Intel LinkedIn Microsoft PayPal Qualcomm SAP Uber VMware | LeetCode |
Medium | Restore IP Addresses Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Yahoo | LeetCode Hashing |
Medium | String Compression LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco Citrix eBay Expedia Facebook Goldman Sachs Google IBM Microsoft Nutanix Nvidia Snapchat Visa VMware Yelp | LeetCode |
Hard | Minimum Swaps To Make Sequences Increasing LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Facebook Google Oracle | LeetCode |
Medium | Check Completeness of a Binary Tree LeetCode Solution | Amazon Facebook Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Graph Valid Tree LeetCode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg Coupang Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft Qualtrics Zenefits | LeetCode |
Medium | Spiral Matrix II Leetcode Solution | Accenture Amazon Apple Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Web Crawler LeetCode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg Dropbox GoDaddy Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | One Edit Distance LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Facebook Google Microsoft Snapchat Twitter Uber Yandex | LeetCode |
Easy | Cells with Odd Values in a Matrix LeetCode Solution | Google | LeetCode |
Medium | Brick Wall LeetCode Solution | Bloomberg Facebook Google Oracle | LeetCode |
Medium | Possible Bipartition LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Coupang Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Construct K Palindrome Strings LeetCode Solution | Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Employee Importance LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Google Microsoft Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Integer Break LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Citadel Facebook Google TCS | LeetCode |
Hard | Kth Smallest Product of Two Sorted Arrays LeetCode Solution | Amazon LinkedIn | LeetCode |
Easy | Sign of the Product of an Array LeetCode Solution | Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Kill Process LeetCode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg Google Microsoft Salesforce | LeetCode |
Medium | Path With Maximum Minimum Value LeetCode Solution | Amazon Facebook Google | LeetCode |
Medium | Maximum Product of Splitted Binary Tree LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon ByteDance Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Subsequence of Size K With the Largest Even Sum LeetCode Solution | Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple ByteDance DocuSign Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Snapchat Twitter | LeetCode Design String Trie |
Medium | Palindrome Partitioning Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Uber | LeetCode Backtracking String |
Easy | Symmetric Tree LeetCode Solution Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Uber VMware Yahoo | LeetCode |
Medium | Design Hit Counter LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Atlassian Bloomberg Cisco Dropbox Google Microsoft Netflix Oracle Pinterest Snapchat Twitter Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Expedia Factset Goldman Sachs JPMorgan Mathworks Microsoft Morgan Stanley Swiggy Twitter Visa | LeetCode |
Medium | Jump Game Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg DoorDash Facebook Flipkart Google Microsoft Nutanix Oracle PayPal Salesforce Uber VMware | LeetCode |
Medium | Minimum Number of People to Teach LeetCode Solution | | LeetCode |
Medium | Spiral Matrix III LeetCode Solution | Facebook Tesla | LeetCode |
Medium | Linked List Cycle II LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Facebook Microsoft Oracle PayPal | LeetCode |
Hard | Maximum Number of Ways to Partition an Array LeetCode Solution | Facebook Google | LeetCode |
Easy | Consecutive Characters LeetCode Solution | Apple Google Microsoft Yandex | LeetCode |
Medium | Champagne Tower LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Google Samsung Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Bitwise AND of Numbers Range LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Facebook Nvidia | LeetCode |
Medium | Word Pattern LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Capital One Dropbox Facebook GoDaddy Microsoft Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Minimum Time to Collect All Apples in a Tree LeetCode Solution | Apple Facebook Salesforce | LeetCode |
Medium | Minimum Cost For Tickets Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Goldman Sachs Google | LeetCode Array Dynamic Programming |
Easy | Symmetric Tree Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle Uber | LeetCode Breadth First Search Depth First Search Tree |
Easy | Maximum Product of Three Numbers LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple ByteDance Citadel Facebook Google Intuit Microsoft Salesforce Splunk Uber | LeetCode |
Easy | Excel Sheet Column Title LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Oracle Paytm Uber VMware Zenefits | LeetCode |
Medium | Count and Say Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook JPMorgan | LeetCode String |
Medium | Palindromic Substrings Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Salesforce Twitter | LeetCode Dynamic Programming String |
Medium | Image Overlap LeetCode Solution | Google | LeetCode |
Easy | Valid Perfect Square LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Random Pick Index LeetCode Solution | Amazon ByteDance Facebook Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Unique Paths II Leetcode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg Cisco Cruise Automation Expedia Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Qualtrics VMware | LeetCode Array Dynamic Programming Matrix |
Medium | Search a 2D Matrix II Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Microsoft Oracle | LeetCode Array Matrix |
Medium | Find Two Non-overlapping Sub-arrays Each With Target Sum LeetCode Solution | Adobe Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Bold Words in String LeetCode Solution | Google | LeetCode |
Easy | Strobogrammatic Number LeetCode Solution | Cisco Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle | LeetCode |
Easy | Merge Two Binary Trees LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Minimum Total Space Wasted With K Resizing Operations LeetCode Solution | Media.net | LeetCode |
Medium | Subarray Product Less Than K LeetCode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg Facebook LinkedIn Microsoft | LeetCode |
Easy | Reverse Only Letters LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Easy | Repeated Substring Pattern LeetCode Solution | Amazon Facebook Google Salesforce | LeetCode |
Medium | Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters Leetcode Solution | Amazon American Express Microsoft Oracle Tesla | LeetCode Array String |
Hard | Maximum Frequency Stack Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Facebook LinkedIn Microsoft Twitter | LeetCode Design Stack |
Easy | Shortest Word Distance Leetcode Solution | Amazon Goldman Sachs Google LinkedIn Microsoft Salesforce Uber | LeetCode Array String |
Easy | Number of Days Between Two Dates LeetCode Solution | Amazon Microsoft | LeetCode |
Hard | Encoded String With Shortest Length LeetCode Solution | Amazon Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Easy | Moving Average from Data Stream Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Microsoft PayPal Spotify Uber | LeetCode Array Design Queue |
Medium | Next Greater Element III LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance DoorDash Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Salesforce | LeetCode |
Medium | Largest Submatrix With Rearrangements LeetCode Solution | Directi Google | LeetCode |
Medium | Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence LeetCode Solution | Amazon ByteDance Facebook Google Pinterest | LeetCode |
Medium | Perfect Squares LeetCode Solution | Amazon Facebook Google VMware | LeetCode Breadth First Search Dynamic Programming |
Hard | Edit Distance LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Cisco Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft Samsung Uber Yahoo | LeetCode |
Medium | Custom Sort String Leetcode Solution | Amazon Facebook Google | LeetCode |
Medium | Set Matrix Zeroes Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Expedia Facebook Google Microsoft Myntra Oracle Samsung VMware | LeetCode Array Matrix |
Easy | Minimum Cost to Move Chips to The Same Position LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg | LeetCode |
Medium | Least Number of Unique Integers after K Removals Leetcode Solution | Amazon Expedia Facebook Oracle Salesforce | LeetCode |
Medium | Remove All Occurrences of a Substring LeetCode Solution | Amazon Google | LeetCode |
Medium | Find All Duplicates in an Array LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Easy | Move Zeroes LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple ByteDance Expedia Facebook Goldman Sachs IBM Microsoft TCS Uber | LeetCode |
Easy | Single Number Leetcode Solution | Adobe Airbnb Amazon Apple Atlassian Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Palantir Technologies SAP TCS Twitter Uber Yahoo Zoho | LeetCode |
Medium | Number of Provinces Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Audible Bloomberg DoorDash Dropbox eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft PayPal Snapchat Twitter Two Sigma Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Find All Possible Recipes from Given Supplies LeetCode Solution | Google | LeetCode |
Medium | 01 Matrix LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Google Microsoft Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Check If Array Pairs Are Divisible by k LeetCode Solution | Amazon PayPal Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Sort Characters By Frequency LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Salesforce Twitter Uber | LeetCode |
Easy | Missing Number Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Cisco Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Intel Microsoft Nvidia Oracle PayPal Salesforce | LeetCode Array Dynamic Programming Sorting |
Medium | Maximum Value at a Given Index in a Bounded Array LeetCode Solution | Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Non-decreasing Array LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Bloomberg eBay Facebook Google Microsoft Yahoo | LeetCode |
Medium | Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon AppDynamics Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle Snapchat Twitter Uber Wish | LeetCode |
Medium | Factorial Trailing Zeroes LeetCode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Microsoft Oracle | LeetCode |
Easy | Guess Number Higher or Lower LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Google | LeetCode |
Medium | Minimize Maximum Pair Sum in Array LeetCode Solution | eBay Google | LeetCode |
Easy | Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree LeetCode Solutions | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle VMware Yahoo | LeetCode |
Medium | Minimum Jumps to Reach Home LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Grab | LeetCode |
Hard | Word Ladder LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Citadel Expedia Facebook Goldman Sachs Google LinkedIn lyft Microsoft Oracle Qualtrics Salesforce Snapchat Zillow | LeetCode Breadth First Search Hashing |
Hard | Best Meeting Point LeetCode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg Expedia Facebook Google Microsoft Snapchat Twitter | LeetCode |
Medium | Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Google Microsoft Uber | LeetCode |
Easy | Same Tree LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon American Express Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle | LeetCode |
Hard | Kth Smallest Number in Multiplication Table Leetcode Solution | Amazon Google Rubrik | LeetCode |
Medium | Last Stone Weight II LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Bloomberg ByteDance Goldman Sachs Google | LeetCode |
Medium | Spiral Matrix LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Intuit Microsoft Oracle Paytm VMware Zillow | LeetCode |
Medium | Sum of Subarray Ranges Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode |
Easy | Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft VMware | LeetCode |
Medium | Largest BST Subtree LeetCode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Microsoft | LeetCode |
Hard | Remove Invalid Parentheses Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Google Uber | LeetCode Backtracking Breadth First Search String |
Medium | Longest Subarray of 1’s After Deleting One Element LeetCode Solution | Yandex | LeetCode |
Medium | My Calendar I LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg eBay Facebook Google Intuit Oracle Qualtrics | LeetCode |
Easy | Sort Array By Parity LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Cisco Facebook Google Microsoft Morgan Stanley VMware | LeetCode |
Medium | Design a Stack With Increment Operation Leetcode Solution | Amazon Google Microsoft Sprinklr | LeetCode Array Design Stack |
Medium | Remove Nth Node From End of List Leetcode Solution | Amazon American Express Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft PayPal Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Bulb Switcher LeetCode Solution | Apple Facebook LinkedIn Microsoft Yahoo | LeetCode |
| Meeting Rooms II LeetCode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg ByteDance eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Oracle Quora Snapchat Swiggy Twitter Uber VMware Walmart Labs | LeetCode |
| Subarray Sum Equals K LeetCode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg ByteDance Expedia Facebook Google LinkedIn Oracle PayPal Quora Snapchat Tesla Twilio Visa Walmart Labs Yandex | LeetCode |
| Longest Palindromic Substring LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Google Infosys LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle Salesforce Tesla Walmart Labs Wayfair Yahoo Zoho | LeetCode |
| Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple BlackRock Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco Citadel Expedia Facebook Goldman Sachs Google JPMorgan Microsoft Netflix Nvidia Oracle Paytm Salesforce ServiceNow Snapchat Uber Visa VMware Yahoo Zoho | LeetCode |
| Median of Two Sorted Arrays LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Oracle Wayfair Yahoo | LeetCode |
| Number of Islands LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg DocuSign Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Indeed LinkedIn lyft Microsoft Oracle Salesforce SAP ServiceNow Uber Yandex | LeetCode |
Medium | LRU Cache LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Morgan Stanley Oracle PayPal Salesforce Snapchat Splunk Twilio VMware Walmart Labs Zillow | LeetCode |
| Minimum swaps to make sequences increasing | | array |
| Sum of nearest smaller and greater number | | array |
Easy | Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent Leetcode Solution | Facebook | LeetCode String |
Easy | Check Array Formation Through Concatenation Leetcode Solution | Uber | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Check If a Word Occurs As a Prefix of Any Word in a Sentence Leetcode Solution | Yelp | LeetCode String |
Easy | Make Two Arrays Equal by Reversing Sub-arrays Leetcode Solution | Facebook | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Shuffle the Array Leetcode Solution | Adobe Apple Bloomberg Google Microsoft | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Final Prices With a Special Discount in a Shop Leetcode Solution | | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Slowest Key Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode Array |
Medium | 3Sum Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Tesla VMware | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Get Maximum in Generated Array Leetcode Solution | | LeetCode Array |
Medium | Insert Interval Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle ServiceNow Twitter Uber | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Root to Leaf path with target sum Leetcode Solutions | Amazon Apple Facebook Microsoft | LeetCode Depth First Search Tree |
Easy | Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram Leetcode Solutions | Amazon Bloomberg Citrix Microsoft Twitter | LeetCode String |
Easy | License Key Formatting Leetcode Solution | Capital One Google | LeetCode String |
Easy | Split a String in Balanced Strings Leetcode Solution | Bloomberg Walmart Labs | LeetCode String |
Easy | Kth Largest Element in a Stream Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Box eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Nutanix | LeetCode Design |
Easy | Sum of Even Numbers After Queries | Indeed | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Remove Linked List Elements Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Capital One Facebook Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Easy | Number Complement Leetcode Solution | Apple | LeetCode |
Medium | Combination Sum Leetcode Solution | Adobe Airbnb Amazon Apple Atlassian Bloomberg ByteDance eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle Snapchat Square Uber VMware Walmart Labs | LeetCode Array Backtracking |
Easy | Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Coursera Factset Indeed JPMorgan Mathworks Microsoft Swiggy | LeetCode |
Easy | Isomorphic Strings Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Intel LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle Yahoo | LeetCode String |
Easy | Island Perimeter Leetcode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Available Captures for Rook Leetcode Solution | Square | LeetCode Array |
Medium | Minimum Swaps to Make Strings Equal Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode String |
Easy | Decrypt String from Alphabet to Integer Mapping Leetcode Solution | Quip Salesforce | LeetCode String |
Easy | Rearrange Spaces Between Words Leetcode Solution | Google | LeetCode String |
Easy | Hamming Distance Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Facebook | LeetCode |
Medium | Word Search Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco eBay Expedia Facebook Intuit Microsoft Oracle Pinterest ServiceNow Snapchat | LeetCode Backtracking Matrix |
Easy | Min Stack Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Capital One Microsoft Oracle | LeetCode Design Stack |
Easy | Maximum Subarray Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco Facebook Goldman Sachs Google JPMorgan LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle PayPal Paytm Uber | LeetCode Array Dynamic Programming |
Easy | Sort Array by Increasing Frequency Leetcode Solution | eBay Twilio | LeetCode Array Sorting |
Medium | Check If a String Can Break Another String Leetcode Solution | | LeetCode Sorting String |
Easy | Number of Students Doing Homework at a Given Time Leetcode Solution | | LeetCode Array |
Medium | Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree Leetcode Solution | Amazon Microsoft | LeetCode Depth First Search |
Easy | Lucky Numbers in a Matrix Leetcode Solution | Oracle | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Largest Substring Between Two Equal Characters Leetcode Solution | | LeetCode String |
Easy | Build an Array With Stack Operations Leetcode Solution | Google | LeetCode Stack |
Easy | Destination City Leetcode Solution | PayPal Yelp | LeetCode String |
Easy | Maximum Score After Splitting a String Leetcode Solution | Google | LeetCode String |
Easy | Moving Stones Until Consecutive Leetcode Solution | Facebook | LeetCode |
Easy | Thousand Separator Leetcode Solution | | LeetCode String |
Easy | Find the Town Judge Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode Graph |
Easy | Factorial Trailing Zeroes Leetcode Solution | Bloomberg | LeetCode |
Easy | Find the Distance Value Between Two Arrays Leetcode Solution | Uber | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Crawler Log Folder Leetcode Solution | Mercari | LeetCode Stack |
Easy | Excel Sheet Column Title Leetcode Solution | Adobe Google | LeetCode |
Easy | Excel Sheet Column Number Leetcode Solution | Microsoft | LeetCode |
Easy | Increasing Decreasing String Leetcode Solution | Akuna Capital | LeetCode Sorting String |
Easy | Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero Leetcode Solution | Amazon Google HRT Microsoft | LeetCode |
Easy | Remove Palindromic Subsequences Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode String |
Easy | Convert Integer to the Sum of Two No-Zero Integers Leetcode Solution | HRT | LeetCode |
Easy | Rank Transform of an Array Leetcode Solution | Amazon Facebook Google | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Decompress Run-Length Encoded List Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Google | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Maximum Nesting Depth of the Parentheses Leetcode Solution | Bloomberg | LeetCode String |
Easy | Design Parking System Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode Design |
Easy | Maximum 69 Number Leetcode Solution | HRT | LeetCode |
Easy | Defanging an IP Address Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode String |
Easy | Distribute Candies to People Leetcode Solution | | LeetCode |
Easy | Minimum Distance Between BST Nodes Leetcode Solution | Google | LeetCode Tree |
Easy | Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode Array |
Medium | Combinations Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Facebook Google Microsoft Yahoo | LeetCode Backtracking |
Easy | Find Winner on a Tic Tac Toe Game Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Facebook Zoho | LeetCode Array |
Easy | String Matching in an Array Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode String |
Easy | Next Greater Element I Leetcode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg | LeetCode Stack |
Easy | Find Common Characters Leetcode Solution | Amazon Uber | LeetCode Array Hashing |
Easy | Minimum Time Visiting All Points Leetcode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg Facebook Media.net | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Find N Unique Integers Sum up to Zero Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Facebook Microsoft | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Intersection of Two Arrays II Leetcode Solution | Amazon Facebook Google Oracle | LeetCode Sorting |
Easy | Minimum Absolute Difference Leetcode Solution | Audible Bloomberg SAP Uber | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Distance Between Bus Stops Leetcode Solution | Google | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Valid Boomerang Leetcode Solution | Google | LeetCode |
Easy | Partition Array Into Three Parts With Equal Sum Leetcode Solution | Amazon Microsoft | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Find Common Characters Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Google Microsoft TripAdvisor Uber | LeetCode Array Hashing |
Easy | Keyboard Row Leetcode Solution | Mathworks | LeetCode Hashing String |
Easy | Is Subsequence Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Pinterest Yandex | LeetCode Dynamic Programming String |
Easy | Jewels and Stones Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Facebook Google Microsoft Yahoo | LeetCode |
Easy | Shortest Completing Word Leetcode Solution | Google | LeetCode |
Easy | Compare Strings by Frequency of the Smallest Character Leetcode Solution | Google Oracle | LeetCode Array String |
Easy | Maximum Number of Balloons Leetcode Solution | Tesla Wayfair | LeetCode Hashing String |
Easy | Construct the Rectangle Leetcode Solution | | LeetCode |
Easy | To Lower Case Leetcode Solution | Adobe Apple Google | LeetCode String |
Easy | Minimum Absolute Difference in BST Leetcode Solution | Google | LeetCode Tree |
Easy | Student Attendance Record I Leetcode Solution | Google | LeetCode String |
Easy | Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range Leetcode Solution | Microsoft | LeetCode |
Easy | Assign Cookies Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode |
Easy | Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Google Microsoft Yahoo | LeetCode Array Hashing |
Easy | Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an Integer Leetcode Solution | Cisco Google Uber | LeetCode |
Medium | Majority Element II Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Zenefits | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Relative Ranks Leetcode Solution | Google | LeetCode Sorting |
Easy | Majority Element Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Atlassian Bloomberg Facebook GoDaddy Google Microsoft Oracle Rubrik Snapchat Yahoo Zenefits | LeetCode Hashing |
Easy | Contains Duplicate II Leetcode Solution | Amazon Facebook Google | LeetCode Array Hashing |
Easy | Convert a Number to Hexadecimal Leetcode Solution | Facebook Microsoft | LeetCode |
Easy | Relative Sort Array Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon DE Shaw eBay Google Microsoft | LeetCode Array Sorting |
Easy | Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode Array Hashing |
Easy | Base 7 Leetcode Solution | Bloomberg Garena | LeetCode |
Easy | Summary Ranges Leetcode Solution | Facebook Yandex | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits Leetcode Solution | Quora | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Power of Four Leetcode Solution | Two Sigma | LeetCode |
Easy | Number of Equivalent Domino Pairs Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Check If It Is a Straight Line Leetcode Solution | Palantir Technologies | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Palindrome Linked List Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Capital One Cisco Facebook Google Grab Intel IXL Microsoft Nutanix Oracle Paytm Snapchat Uber Yandex | LeetCode |
Easy | Pascal’s Triangle II Leetcode Solution | Amazon Microsoft | LeetCode Array Dynamic Programming |
Easy | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Facebook Microsoft | LeetCode Tree Traversal |
Easy | Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree Leetcode Solution | Amazon Google Microsoft | LeetCode Breadth First Search Depth First Search |
Easy | Search in a Binary Search Tree Leetcode Solution | Apple IBM | LeetCode |
Easy | Count Largest Group Leetcode Solution | Mercari | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Find the Difference Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Google | LeetCode Hashing String |
Medium | Unique Paths Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Mathworks Microsoft Oracle Qualtrics Salesforce Snapchat Uber VMware Walmart Labs | LeetCode Array Dynamic Programming |
Easy | Add Binary Leetcode Solution | Amazon Facebook Microsoft | LeetCode String |
Easy | Minimum Value to Get Positive Step by Step Sum Leetcode Solution | Swiggy | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Valid Palindrome Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Microsoft Oracle Wayfair | LeetCode String |
Easy | Reverse Vowels of a String Leetcode Solution | Amazon Facebook Google | LeetCode String |
Easy | Roman to Integer Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Goldman Sachs Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle Qualtrics Roblox Uber Yahoo | LeetCode String |
Easy | N-th Tribonacci Number Leetcode Solution | Facebook | LeetCode Dynamic Programming |
Medium | Rotate List Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Bloomberg Facebook LinkedIn Microsoft Samsung | LeetCode |
Easy | Path Crossing Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode Hashing String |
Easy | Matrix Diagonal Sum Leetcode Solution | Adobe | LeetCode Array Matrix |
Easy | Number of Good Pairs Leetcode Solution | Amazon Microsoft | LeetCode Array Hashing |
Easy | Third Maximum Number Leetcode Solution | Amazon Facebook Google | LeetCode Array |
Medium | Pow(x, n) Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Asana Bloomberg eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle PayPal Uber VMware Walmart Labs | LeetCode |
Easy | Find Lucky Integer in an Array Leetcode Solution | Microsoft | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Reformat The String Leetcode Solution | Microsoft | LeetCode String |
Easy | Find the Difference Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Google | LeetCode Hashing |
Medium | Insert into a Binary Search Tree Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Atlassian Facebook Google Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Iterative Inorder Traversal of a Binary Tree | | tree Tree Traversal |
Easy | Merge Two Sorted Lists Leetcode Solutions | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Capital One Facebook Google IBM Microsoft Oracle | LeetCode |
Medium | Morris Inorder Traversal | | tree Tree Traversal |
Easy | Sum of Left Leaves Leetcode Solutions | Adobe | LeetCode Tree Tree Traversal |
Easy | Generate a String With Characters That Have Odd Counts Leetcode Solution | DiDi | LeetCode String |
Medium | Permutations Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Atlassian Bloomberg ByteDance eBay Facebook Garena GoDaddy Goldman Sachs Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle Salesforce SAP Uber VMware Walmart Labs Yahoo | LeetCode Backtracking |
Easy | Minimum Depth of Binary Tree Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Facebook | LeetCode Breadth First Search Depth First Search |
Easy | Power of Two Leetcode Solution | Apple | LeetCode |
Easy | Balanced Binary Tree Leetcode Solution | Amazon Google Microsoft | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Two Sum Leetcode Solution | Apple ByteDance Intuit Microsoft Oracle | LeetCode |
Easy | Count Primes Leetcode Solutions | Amazon Apple Capital One Google Microsoft | LeetCode Hashing |
Medium | House Robber II Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple eBay Google Microsoft Walmart Labs | LeetCode Dynamic Programming |
Easy | Sqrt(x) Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Google lyft Microsoft Uber | LeetCode |
Easy | How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Bloomberg | LeetCode Array Hashing |
Easy | Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree Leetcode Solution | Adobe Airbnb Amazon Apple Bloomberg Cisco Google Microsoft Oracle Spotify VMware Yahoo | LeetCode Depth First Search |
Medium | Multiply Strings Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple ByteDance Expedia Facebook Google Houzz Mathworks Microsoft Oracle Square Twitter Uber Zillow | LeetCode String |
Easy | Sum of All Odd Length Subarrays Leetcode Solution | LinkedIn | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Merge Sorted Arrays Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco eBay Expedia Facebook Goldman Sachs Google IBM LinkedIn lyft Microsoft Netflix Oracle Tableau Uber VMware Yahoo Yandex | LeetCode Array |
Medium | Search in Rotated Sorted Array Leetcode Solution | Adobe Alibaba Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco eBay Expedia Facebook Goldman Sachs Google JPMorgan LinkedIn Microsoft Nutanix Nvidia Oracle PayPal Paytm Salesforce Samsung ServiceNow Tencent Tesla TripAdvisor Twitch Uber Visa VMware Walmart Labs Yahoo Yandex Zillow Zulily | LeetCode Array |
Medium | Lexicographical Numbers Leetcode Solution | ByteDance | LeetCode Depth First Search |
Medium | Integer to Roman Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple BlackRock Bloomberg Evernote Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle Twitter Yahoo | LeetCode String |
Easy | Special Array With X Elements Greater Than or Equal X Leetcode Solution | Google | LeetCode Array Hashing |
Easy | Search Insert Position Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Google Microsoft | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies Leetcode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Make The String Great Leetcode Solution | Google | LeetCode Stack String |
Easy | Running Sum of 1d Array Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Uber | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Length of Last Word Leetcode Solution | Google | LeetCode String |
Medium | Minimum Score Triangulation of Polygon Leetcode Solution | Uber | LeetCode Dynamic Programming |
Easy | Sort Integers by The Number of 1 Bit Leetcode Solution | Adobe | LeetCode Sorting |
Easy | Plus One Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple Capital One Facebook Google Microsoft | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Check If N and Its Double Exist Leetcode Solution | Google | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Day of the Year Leetcode Solution | ZScaler | LeetCode |
Easy | Special Positions in a Binary Matrix Leetcode Solution | Google | LeetCode Array Matrix |
Easy | Water Bottles Leetcode Solution | Microsoft | LeetCode |
Easy | Maximum Product of Two Elements in an Array Leetcode Solution | Samsung | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Mean of Array After Removing Some Elements Leetcode Solution | Google | LeetCode Array |
Medium | Swap Nodes in Pairs Leetcode Solutions | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Microsoft | LeetCode |
Medium | Kth largest element in an Array Leetcode Solutions | Adobe Amazon Apple ByteDance eBay Expedia Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle Salesforce Spotify Walmart Labs | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Kth Missing Positive Number Leetcode Solution | Facebook Microsoft | LeetCode Array Hashing |
Easy | XOR Operation in an Array Leetcode Solution | Walmart Labs | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Three Consecutive Odds Leetcode Solution | Dji | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Ugly Number Leetcode Solution | | LeetCode |
Easy | Max Consecutive Ones Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode Array |
Easy | House Robber Leetcode Solution | Amazon Apple Cisco Microsoft Oracle | LeetCode Dynamic Programming |
Easy | Happy Number Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Apple | LeetCode Hashing |
Hard | Sqrt (or Square Root) Decomposition Technique | Cadence India PayPal Qualtrics Roblox Twilio | |
Medium | Rearrange Array such that arr[i] >= arr[j] if i is even and arr[i] <= arr[j] if i is odd and j < i | Accenture Adobe Amazon Factset Zoho | array |
Medium | Armstrong Number | Oracle VMware | |
Medium | Scramble String | Amazon Fanatics Samsung | string Dynamic Programming Tree |
Easy | Sort Array By Parity II Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode Array Sorting |
Easy | Valid Anagrams | Amazon Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Nagarro | string Hashing |
Medium | Contiguous Array | Amazon MakeMyTrip Morgan Stanley Paytm | array Hashing |
Medium | Convex Hull Algorithm | Geometric Morgan Stanley Samsung | algorithm |
Medium | Group Anagrams | Amazon Facebook Google Microsoft | string Hashing |
Hard | Integer to English words | Amazon Facebook Microsoft Oracle | string |
Medium | Unique Paths II | Amazon VMware | matrix Dynamic Programming |
Medium | Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray | Indeed Karat Roblox | array Dynamic Programming Hashing |
Easy | Count pair with Given Sum | Accolite Amazon Factset Hike | array Hashing Sorting |
Easy | Minimum Delete Operations to make all Elements of Array Same | Adobe Factset | hashing Array |
Medium | Maximum Distance Between two Occurrences of Same Element in Array | Delhivery Factset Fanatics Fourkites | hashing Array |
Easy | Group Multiple Occurrence of Array Elements Ordered by first Occurrence | Accolite Adobe Amazon Delhivery Fourkites | hashing Array |
Medium | Union and Intersection of two Linked Lists | 24*7 Innovation Labs Accolite Amazon Flipkart Komli Media Microsoft Taxi4Sure VMware Walmart Labs | linked-list Sorting |
Medium | Maximum difference between frequency of two elements such that element having greater frequency is also greater | Accenture Accolite Amazon VMware | array Sorting |
Easy | Lemonade Change Leetcode Solution | Amazon Atlassian | LeetCode |
Medium | Find the Smallest Divisor given a Threshold Leetcode Solution | AppDynamics Google SAP Walmart Labs | LeetCode |
Easy | Maximize Sum of Array after K Negations Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Valid Perfect Square Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode |
Easy | Average Salary Excluding the Minimum and Maximum Salary Leetcode Solution | NetSuite | LeetCode |
Hard | Smallest Subarray with k Distinct Numbers | Amazon Google | hashing Array |
Medium | All Unique Triplets that Sum up to a Given Value | Accolite Amazon Fanatics | array Hashing |
Easy | Longest Subarray Having Count of 1s One More than Count of 0s | Accenture Amazon DE Shaw Samsung | array |
Medium | Maximum Array from Two given Arrays Keeping Order Same | Accenture Amazon Delhivery Factset Fourkites OYO Rooms Publicis Sapient Zoho | array |
Medium | Round Robin Scheduling | Amazon Facebook Google Microsoft | |
Easy | Count Subarrays with Same Even and Odd Elements | Accenture Factset Fanatics | array |
Hard | Find Smallest Range Containing Elements from k Lists | Amazon Apple Google Uber | dynamic-programming String |
Medium | Guess Number Higher or Lower II | Amazon Google Microsoft | dynamic-programming Array |
Easy | Rearrange an Array Such that arr[i] is equal to i | Accenture Adobe Amazon Fanatics Fourkites Zoho | array |
Easy | Segregate 0s and 1s in an Array | Accolite Amazon Fab MakeMyTrip PayPal Paytm Zoho | array |
Medium | Find Largest d in Array such that a + b + c = d | Accolite Amazon Delhivery Fanatics Fourkites FreeCharge | hashing Array |
Medium | Maximum Number of Chocolates to be Distributed Equally Among k Students | Accenture Adobe Amazon Facebook Fourkites | array |
Easy | Maximum Consecutive Numbers Present in an Array | Accolite Adobe Amazon Fourkites MAQ | array |
Easy | Move all negative elements to one side of array | Capgemini Hike MAQ o9 solutions TCS | array Sorting |
Hard | Queries for Number of Distinct Elements in a Subarray | Amazon Google Microsoft Oracle Uber | array Tree |
Hard | Queries on Probability of Even or Odd Number in given Ranges | Google Honeywell Uber | array |
Medium | Total Numbers With no Repeated Digits in a Range | Accolite Factset MAQ | array |
Hard | Range Minimum Query (Square Root Decomposition and Sparse Table) | Amazon Apple Google | array |
Medium | Range Sum Query using Sparse Table | Amazon Publicis Sapient Zoho | array |
Hard | Count and Toggle Queries on a Binary Array | Amazon Facebook Google Uber | array |
Medium | Queries for Decimal Values of Subarrays of a Binary Array | Amazon Google | array |
Medium | Maximize Elements Using Another Array | Amazon Fanatics Fourkites | array Sorting |
Easy | Find whether an array is subset of another array | Accolite GE Healthcare Qualcomm | array Sorting |
Easy | Minimum swaps required to bring all elements less than or equal to k together | Amazon AppDynamics Factset Fourkites Microsoft | hashing Array |
Easy | Maximum sum of pairs with specific difference | Accolite Coursera Delhivery Fourkites Snapdeal | dynamic-programming Array |
Medium | Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array Leetcode Solution | Amazon Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Uber | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Monotonic Array LeetCode Solution | Amazon Facebook | LeetCode Array |
Hard | Smallest Good Base | Google | string |
Easy | Find top three repeated in array | MAQ o9 solutions Wipro | hashing Array |
Medium | Maximum sum of a path in a Right Number Triangle | Citrix DE Shaw Directi Expedia | dynamic-programming |
Medium | Sorting using trivial hash function | Cadence India Capgemini Factset MAQ UHG Optum | hashing Array Sorting |
Medium | Maximum number of segments of lengths a, b and c | Amazon BlackRock ByteDance Citrix Google Teradata Uber | dynamic-programming |
Medium | Maximum subsequence sum such that no three are consecutive | 24*7 Innovation Labs Accenture Amazon Delhivery PayPal PayU | dynamic-programming Array |
Easy | Count all subsequences having product less than K | ByteDance Capital One CodeNation Databricks Expedia Yandex | dynamic-programming Array |
Easy | Find duplicates in a given array when elements are not limited to a range | Adobe Amazon Factset MAQ UHG Optum | hashing Array |
Medium | Minimum insertions to form a palindrome with permutations allowed | Amazon CodeNation Directi Google Indeed Intuit | string Dynamic Programming |
Hard | LCS (Longest Common Subsequence) of three strings | Amazon CodeNation Expedia Google Uber Zoho | dynamic-programming String |
Medium | Check if Array Contains Contiguous Integers With Duplicates Allowed | Accenture Amazon Directi Facebook Intuit | hashing Array String |
Medium | Course Schedule II – LeetCode | | LeetCode Breadth First Search Depth First Search Graph Topological Sort |
Medium | Subset Sum Leetcode | | LeetCode Array Dynamic Programming |
Medium | Add and Search Word – Data structure design LeetCode | | LeetCode Backtracking Design String Trie |
Easy | The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode Array |
Medium | Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode Array |
Easy | Largest Perimeter Triangle Leetcode Solution | C3 IoT | LeetCode Sorting |
Medium | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon Goldman Sachs Yahoo | LeetCode Dynamic Programming |
Easy | Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode Array Sorting |
Hard | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III Leetcode Solution | Adobe Amazon | LeetCode Array Dynamic Programming |
Easy | Shuffle String Leetcode Solution | Facebook | LeetCode Sorting |
Easy | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Leetcode Solution | Amazon DE Shaw Facebook Microsoft Morgan Stanley Uber | LeetCode Array |
Medium | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee Leetcode Solution | Amazon | LeetCode Array Dynamic Programming |
Easy | Sum of f(a[i], a[j]) over all pairs in an array of n integers | Cisco Facebook Hike Publicis Sapient | hashing Array |
Medium | Longest Repeated Subsequence | Amazon Arcesium Avalara ByteDance Capital One Facebook MetLife | dynamic-programming String |
Easy | Count of index pairs with equal elements in an array | Amazon Atlassian Citadel Facebook Intuit Snapdeal Square Yandex | hashing Array Sorting |
Easy | Find Sum of all unique sub-array sum for a given array | Amazon Facebook GreyOrange Intuit Microsoft Nagarro | hashing Array Sorting |
Easy | Sequences of given length where every element is more than or equal to twice of previous | Accenture Amazon CodeNation Facebook Google PayPal Qualcomm | dynamic-programming |
Hard | Find maximum length Snake sequence | Amazon CodeNation Expedia Yandex | dynamic-programming Matrix |
Medium | Print all triplets in sorted array that form AP | Accenture Accolite Cadence India Google InfoEdge Intuit Pinterest | array |
Hard | Minimum sum of multiplications of n numbers | Accenture BlackRock GE Healthcare JP Morgan PayPal | dynamic-programming Array |
Medium | Find number of pairs in an array such that their XOR is 0 | Cadence India CouponDunia Honeywell Indeed InfoEdge Moonfrog Labs Pinterest | array Sorting |
Easy | Count ways to reach the nth stair using step 1, 2 or 3 | Amazon CodeNation GE Healthcare Microsoft Moonfrog Labs PayPal Uber | dynamic-programming |
Medium | Minimum Sum Path in a Triangle | Amazon Apple Bloomberg | dynamic-programming Array |
Medium | Longest subarray not having more than K distinct elements | Amazon Citadel Delhivery Facebook Microsoft Samsung Yandex | hashing Array |
Medium | Morris Traversal | Amazon Facebook Fourkites Google Microsoft | tree Tree Traversal |
Hard | Kth ancestor of a node in binary tree | Amazon Google | tree Tree Traversal |
Hard | Maximum possible difference of two subsets of an array | Atlassian Cadence India Directi FreeCharge Opera PayU Snapchat Times Internet Xome | hashing Array Sorting |
Medium | Find postorder traversal of BST from preorder traversal | Amazon Fourkites PayU | tree Tree Traversal |
Hard | Inorder Successor of a node in Binary Tree | Amazon Expedia Morgan Stanley OYO Rooms Snapchat | tree |
Easy | Given an Array of Pairs Find all Symmetric Pairs in it | Amazon Capgemini Cisco FreeCharge Moonfrog Labs Opera Xome | array |
Easy | Minimum operation to make all elements equal in array | Amazon BlackRock Citadel Directi Flipkart Indeed Yandex | hashing Array |
Easy | Check if a given array can represent Preorder Traversal of Binary Search Tree | Adobe Amazon LinkedIn | tree Stack |
Medium | Construct Binary Tree from given Parent Array representation | Amazon Microsoft Snapdeal | tree Array |
Medium | Given a binary tree, how do you remove all the half nodes? | Accolite Amazon Microsoft PayU Snapdeal Synopsys Yahoo | tree |
Easy | Iterative Preorder Traversal | Amazon Google JP Morgan Microsoft Morgan Stanley Uber | tree Tree Traversal |
Medium | Find subarray with given sum (Handles Negative Numbers) | Amazon CouponDunia Delhivery GE Healthcare InfoEdge Moonfrog Labs | hashing Array |
Medium | Length of the largest subarray with contiguous elements | Adobe Amazon Bloomberg Cisco Karat Monotype Solutions Paytm PayU Publicis Sapient SAP Labs | hashing Array |
Easy | Find distance between two nodes of a Binary Tree | Amazon LinkedIn MakeMyTrip Netflix Samsung | tree |
Medium | Maximum Number of Coins You Can Get Leetcode Solution | | LeetCode Sorting |
Medium | Count number of triplets with product equal to given number | Accolite Amazon Cisco Flipkart Kuliza Publicis Sapient | hashing Array |
Medium | Maximum difference between first and last indexes of an element in array | Accolite Amazon Hike MakeMyTrip Ola Cabs SAP Labs | hashing Array |
Easy | Write Code to Determine if Two Trees are Identical | Amazon Factset Fanatics GE Healthcare Microsoft PayPal | tree |
Hard | Find any one of the multiple repeating elements in read only array | Capital One Facebook Google Indeed Microsoft Pinterest | hashing Array |
Easy | Find elements which are present in first array and not in second | Accolite Delhivery Factset Fanatics Snapdeal Zoho | hashing Array |
Medium | Boundary Traversal of binary tree | Accolite Amazon Hike Kritikal Solutions Microsoft Morgan Stanley PayU Snapdeal | tree Tree Traversal |
Hard | Check for Palindrome after every character replacement Query | Amazon Facebook Flipkart Google Netflix | hashing String |
Easy | Difference between highest and least frequencies in an array | Citadel Fab Fourkites Roblox Tesla | hashing Array Sorting |
Medium | Diagonal Traversal of Binary Tree | Amazon Factset Fanatics Fourkites Oracle PayU Quora | tree Tree Traversal |
Medium | Koko Eating Bananas Leetcode Solution | Facebook | LeetCode |
Easy | Bottom View of a Binary Tree | Accolite Amazon CouponDunia Flipkart Paytm Walmart Labs | tree Tree Traversal |
Medium | Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | Amazon Apple Atlassian Capital One Databricks eBay Facebook Google Microsoft Morgan Stanley Oracle Qualtrics Twilio Uber VMware Walmart Labs | queue Backtracking Depth First Search String |
Hard | Find four elements that sum to a given value (Hashmap) | Amazon Google Microsoft | hashing Array Sorting |
Medium | Count even length binary sequences with same sum of first and second half bits | 24*7 Innovation Labs Amazon Dell GE Healthcare | dynamic-programming |
Easy | Longest subsequence such that difference between adjacents is one | Amazon Avalara Factset Fourkites Microsoft | dynamic-programming Array |
Medium | Find all triplets with zero sum | Amazon GE Healthcare Google Hike | array Sorting |
Easy | k-th missing element in increasing sequence which is not present in a given sequence | Citadel Expedia Fab Factset IBM SAP Labs | hashing Array |
Easy | How to check if two given sets are disjoint? | Factset Hike Kuliza Nagarro Opera Snapdeal | hashing Array Sorting |
Easy | Check if a given array contains duplicate elements within k distance from each other | Amazon Avalara Citadel FreeCharge HackerRank Snapchat Snapdeal | hashing Array |
Easy | Print Right View of a Binary Tree | Accolite Adobe Amazon MakeMyTrip Snapdeal | tree Tree Traversal |
| Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix LeetCode Solution | | LeetCode Matrix |
Medium | Check if two arrays are equal or not | Accenture Goldman Sachs MAQ o9 solutions Taxi4Sure Twilio | hashing Array Sorting |
Medium | Pair with given product | 24*7 Innovation Labs Amazon Avalara Quora Roblox | hashing Array |
Medium | Maximum path sum in a triangle | Arcesium CodeNation GE Healthcare PayU Uber Zoho | dynamic-programming |
Easy | Path with maximum average value | Cisco Epic Systems GreyOrange SAP Labs Times Internet | dynamic-programming Array Matrix |
Easy | Maximum Distance in Array | Adobe Amazon Google Oracle | matrix Array |
Medium | Subarray with 0 sum | Citrix DE Shaw Goldman Sachs Indeed MakeMyTrip OYO Rooms Paytm TCS | hashing Array |
Easy | Find missing elements of a range | Delhivery GreyOrange LinkedIn Nagarro Opera Synopsys | hashing Sorting |
Easy | First element occurring k times in an array | Amazon Hike PayU SAP Labs Teradata Wipro Yatra Zoho | hashing Array |
Easy | Maximum product of an increasing subsequence | Accolite GE Healthcare HackerRank IBM Snapchat Yahoo | dynamic-programming Array |
Hard | Print all subarrays with 0 sum | Amazon FreeCharge Indeed Info Edge Microsoft OYO Rooms | hashing Array |
Easy | Contains Duplicate | Adobe Amazon Apple | hashing Array |
Medium | Print Maximum Length Chain of Pairs | Amazon | dynamic-programming |
Easy | Print n terms of Newman-Conway Sequence | Amazon Citadel Factset Fanatics JP Morgan | dynamic-programming |
Hard | Count Substrings with equal number of 0s, 1s and 2s | Citrix FreeCharge Goldman Sachs OYO Rooms Times Internet Twilio | hashing String |
Medium | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters LeetCode Solution | Adobe Alation Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco DocuSign eBay Expedia Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Morgan Stanley Oracle PayPal SAP SAP Labs ServiceNow Spotify Uber VMware Walmart Labs Yahoo Yandex Zillow Zoho | LeetCode Hashing String |
Medium | Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II | Amazon | linked-list |
Medium | Form minimum number from given sequence | Accolite Amazon Fanatics Goldman Sachs Info Edge Snapchat | string Array Stack |
Medium | Print modified array after executing the commands of addition and subtraction | ByteDance Cisco Citrix FreeCharge HackerRank Nagarro Opera Teradata | dynamic-programming Array |
Easy | Write a function to get the intersection point of two Linked Lists | Accolite Amazon DE Shaw Factset Goldman Sachs MakeMyTrip MAQ Microsoft Qualcomm Snapdeal Visa Zopper | linked-list |
Easy | Newman-Conway Sequence | Amazon Honeywell | dynamic-programming |
Medium | Generate all possible sorted arrays from alternate elements of two given sorted arrays | Directi Karat PayPal Twilio Yandex | array |
Medium | Moser-de Bruijn Sequence | FreeCharge Snapdeal Times Internet | dynamic-programming |
Hard | Range Queries for Longest Correct Bracket Subsequence | Amazon CodeNation Google PayPal Uber | dynamic-programming Array Stack |
Hard | Print modified array after multiple array range increment operations | Expedia FreeCharge Google Indeed Moonfrog Labs Ola Cabs Qualtrics | dynamic-programming Array |
Medium | Number of indexes with equal elements in given range | GreyOrange Indeed Opera Pinterest Snapdeal Yahoo | dynamic-programming Array |
Hard | Longest Bitonic Subsequence | CodeNation DE Shaw Google JP Morgan Microsoft | dynamic-programming Array |
Easy | Golomb sequence | Cadence India Indeed Times Internet Yatra | dynamic-programming |
Hard | Array Queries for multiply replacements and product | Cadence India DE Shaw Expedia Google | array |
Easy | Newman–Shanks–Williams prime | HackerRank | dynamic-programming |
Hard | Difference Array | Range update query in O(1) | Arcesium CodeNation Directi Expedia Google Qualcomm | dynamic-programming Array |
Hard | Painting Fence Algorithm | CodeNation Facebook Google Intuit JP Morgan Morgan Stanley | dynamic-programming Array |
Easy | Check in binary array the number represented by a subarray is odd or even | Cisco Fab IBM Microsoft PayU Snapchat Snapdeal Teradata | array |
Medium | Largest subarray with equal number of 0s and 1s | Amazon Coursera GreyOrange MakeMyTrip Morgan Stanley Paytm Synopsys Times Internet | hashing Array |
Medium | Binary array after M range toggle operations | Amazon Coursera Goldman Sachs Google GreyOrange Snapchat | dynamic-programming Array |
Easy | Constant time range add operation on an array | CodeNation DE Shaw Directi Expedia Google | dynamic-programming Array |
Medium | Delete Nth node from the end of the given linked list | Adobe Amazon Arcesium Factset Intuit Zoho | linked-list |
Easy | Delete a Node from linked list without head pointer | GE Healthcare MAQ | linked-list |
Medium | Count Primes in Ranges | Google Hike Kuliza Sieve Snapchat Yahoo | dynamic-programming |
Easy | Print the Fibonacci numbers in reverse order | Accenture MAQ o9 solutions UHG Optum | dynamic-programming |
Easy | Print Fibonacci sequence using 2 variables | Amazon Delhivery Factset Fourkites Hike MAQ o9 solutions PayU | dynamic-programming |
Easy | Non-overlapping sum of two sets | Accolite Amazon Hike Kuliza Pinterest Snapdeal Synopsys Teradata | hashing Array |
Hard | Find all pairs (a, b) in an array such that a % b = k | Amazon Arcesium Citadel Directi FreeCharge Yahoo | hashing Array |
Hard | Range LCM Queries | Amazon Directi Google Indeed PayPal Snapdeal Uber | tree Array |
Medium | Queries on XOR of greatest odd divisor of the range | 24*7 Innovation Labs Citadel Directi Expedia Google Indeed Snapdeal | dynamic-programming Array |
Easy | Compute nCr % p | Accenture Cadence India Komli Media Ola Cabs Square | dynamic-programming |
Easy | Cutting a Rod | Amazon Directi Flipkart Google JP Morgan Microsoft | dynamic-programming |
Hard | Queries for counts of array elements with values in given range | Coursera DE Shaw Google PayU Snapdeal Times Internet Yahoo | array |
Hard | Number of elements less than or equal to a given number in a given subarray | CodeNation DE Shaw Google Opera PayPal Pinterest | tree Array |
Medium | Largest divisible pairs subset | Amazon Google | dynamic-programming |
Hard | GCDs of given index ranges in an array | DE Shaw PayPal Snapchat Snapdeal Times Internet Xome | tree Array |
Hard | Queries for GCD of all numbers of an array except elements in a given range | Amazon Capital One DE Shaw Google PayPal Quora Teradata | dynamic-programming Array |
Hard | Find whether a subarray is in form of a mountain or not | Amazon BlackRock Cisco Citrix Factset Honeywell Tesla Yandex | dynamic-programming Array |
Medium | Mean of range in array | Cadence India Expedia FreeCharge GreyOrange Roblox Snapchat Snapdeal Times Internet Yandex | dynamic-programming Array |
Hard | Subset with sum divisible by m | Arcesium Cisco DE Shaw Directi Expedia Myntra PayU | dynamic-programming Array |
Medium | Check if any two intervals overlap among a given set of intervals | Amazon Arcesium Cisco Directi JP Morgan Microsoft Qualcomm Yandex | dynamic-programming Sorting |
Easy | Range sum queries without updates | BlackRock GE Healthcare Moonfrog Labs Synopsys Taxi4Sure Twilio | dynamic-programming Array |
Easy | Max stack | Apple lyft Uber | stack Design |
Medium | Subset Sum Problem in O(sum) space | Adobe Amazon Drishti-Soft | dynamic-programming Array |
Easy | Find Index of Closing Bracket for a Given Opening Bracket in an Expression | Adobe Amazon Flipkart Oracle OYO Rooms Snapdeal Walmart Labs Yatra | stack Array String |
Hard | Products of ranges in an array | Accolite DE Shaw FreeCharge Google SAP Labs Snapdeal Times Internet | array |
Easy | Friends Pairing Problem | Amazon Expedia GE Healthcare Google Honeywell JP Morgan | dynamic-programming |
Easy | Happy Number | Adobe Amazon Apple JP Morgan | |
Easy | Palindrome Permutation | Facebook Microsoft | array Hashing String |
Medium | Gold Mine Problem | Amazon Flipkart Google Microsoft PayU Uber | dynamic-programming Array Matrix |
Easy | Palindrome Number | Adobe Amazon Bloomberg DBOI Google MAQ Microsoft o9 solutions | |
Easy | Design a stack that supports getMin() in O(1) time and O(1) extra space | Adobe Amazon Factset Flipkart Goldman Sachs GreyOrange Kuliza Microsoft Paytm Publicis Sapient SAP Snapdeal VMware | stack |
Medium | Find Maximum Level sum in Binary Tree | Amazon | tree Breadth First Search Queue Tree Traversal |
Easy | Tiling Problem | 24*7 Innovation Labs Amazon DE Shaw Delhivery PayPal | dynamic-programming |
Medium | Permutation Coefficient | BankBazaar Xome | dynamic-programming |
Easy | Sort a stack using recursion | Amazon Goldman Sachs IBM Kuliza Yahoo | stack |
Easy | Longest Increasing Consecutive Subsequence | Amazon Google Microsoft | dynamic-programming Array |
Hard | Red-Black Tree Introduction | Amazon CodeNation Facebook Google Uber | tree |
Easy | Delete middle element of a stack | Amazon | stack |
Medium | Sorting array using Stacks | Amazon Goldman Sachs IBM Kuliza Yahoo | stack Sorting |
Medium | Binomial Coefficient | Directi Expedia HackerRank Xome | dynamic-programming |
Hard | Binary Search Tree Delete Operation | Accolite Amazon Qualcomm Samsung | tree |
Easy | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco DE Shaw eBay Expedia Facebook Goldman Sachs Google JP Morgan Microsoft Morgan Stanley Oracle PayPal Qualtrics Samsung VMware | dynamic-programming Array |
Medium | Implementation of Deque using Doubly Linked List | Adobe Alation Amazon American Express DE Shaw Factset Fourkites GE Healthcare Google Oxigen Wallet Qualcomm Spotify Sprinklr UHG Optum Wooker Xome ZScaler | linked-list Queue |
Medium | Delete consecutive same words in a sequence | Factset | string Array Sorting Stack |
Medium | Iterative Method to find Height of Binary Tree | Accolite Adobe Amazon Fanatics Fourkites Hike Snapdeal Yatra | tree Queue |
Medium | Sort a stack using a temporary stack | Amazon Goldman Sachs IBM Kuliza Yahoo | stack Sorting |
Easy | Reverse a stack without using extra space in O(n) | Factset Infosys MAQ | stack |
Hard | Clone a Binary Tree with Random Pointers | Accolite Amazon Cisco Factset Fanatics Google Microsoft Opera Snapchat | tree |
Medium | Top K Frequent Elements | Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Capital One eBay Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Pocket Gems | queue Array Hashing |
Medium | Level order traversal using two Queues | Amazon Hike Microsoft Morgan Stanley | queue Breadth First Search Tree Tree Traversal |
Easy | Bubble sort using two Stacks | Amazon Capgemini Delhivery MAQ | stack Array Sorting |
Hard | Text Justification LeetCode Solution | Amazon Capital One Coursera eBay Facebook Google Indeed Karat LinkedIn Microsoft Nvidia Oracle Pinterest Snapchat Square Twilio Uber | LeetCode String |
Easy | Reverse individual words | Amazon | string Stack |
Medium | Count subarrays where second highest lie before highest | HackerRank | stack Array |
Medium | Find the smallest binary digit multiple of given number | Amazon Fourkites LinkedIn Microsoft Snapdeal | graph Breadth First Search |
Medium | Minimum Operations to convert X to Y | Amazon Factset Fanatics Fourkites JP Morgan Myntra Samsung Spotify Square | graph Breadth First Search |
Easy | Find maximum difference between nearest left and right smaller elements | Fourkites | stack Array |
Medium | Remove brackets from an algebraic string containing + and – operators | Adobe Amazon Fourkites | stack String |
Easy | Implement a stack using single queue | Amazon Fourkites Google Infosys MAQ Microsoft | stack Queue |
Hard | Find the First Circular Tour that visits all the Petrol Pumps | Amazon Factset Microsoft Morgan Stanley Zoho | queue |
Easy | Sort an array according to the order defined by another array | Amazon Microsoft SAP Labs Snapchat Yahoo Zoho | array Sorting |
Medium | Rearrange a binary string as alternate x and y occurrences | Accolite Cisco Citrix Hike IBM Info Edge Pinterest Roblox Tesla | string |
Medium | Shuffle 2n integers as a1-b1-a2-b2-a3-b3-..bn without using extra space | Adobe DE Shaw Expedia Fanatics Indeed PayU | array |
Easy | Distinct adjacent elements in an array | Coursera DE Shaw Hike IBM Kuliza Nagarro Opera OYO Rooms Zoho | array |
Hard | Construction of Longest Increasing Subsequence (N log N) | Amazon BankBazaar Paytm Samsung | array Dynamic Programming |
Easy | Maximize sum of consecutive differences in a circular array | Cadence India eBay GE Healthcare Karat Quora SAP Labs Square | array Sorting |
Easy | Three way partitioning of an array around a given range | BankBazaar BlackRock Capital One Citadel Fab Moonfrog Labs Synopsys Twilio Yahoo | array |
| Minimum time required to rot all oranges | Adobe Amazon Bloomberg Microsoft | graph Array Breadth First Search Matrix |
Medium | Check if X can give change to every person in the Queue | Amazon | array Queue |
Medium | Check if two nodes are on the same path in a Tree | Amazon Factset Fourkites Samsung | graph Depth First Search |
Hard | Check if all levels of two Binary Tree are anagrams or not | Adobe Amazon Facebook Fanatics Fourkites GreyOrange | tree Queue |
Medium | Minimum sum of squares of character counts in a given string after removing k characters | Amazon | queue String |
Easy | Rearrange an array such that ‘arr[j]’ becomes ‘i’ if ‘arr[i]’ is ‘j’ | Amazon Delhivery Kuliza Nagarro Opera Times Internet Yatra | array |
Medium | Maximum length subsequence with difference between adjacent elements as either 0 or 1 | Cisco Expedia Qualtrics SAP Labs Teradata | array Dynamic Programming |
Easy | Replace two consecutive equal values with one greater | Accenture Citadel FreeCharge PayPal Square Teradata | array |
Medium | Find a sorted subsequence of size 3 in linear time | Avalara Capital One Citadel Citrix eBay Fab Synopsys | array |
Medium | Maximum Product Subarray | Amazon Cisco Microsoft Morgan Stanley Myntra PayU Times Internet Zoho | array |
Easy | Convert array into Zig-Zag fashion | Accenture Amazon Fourkites Teradata Xome | array |
Medium | First negative integer in every window of size k | Accolite Amazon PayPal Soroco | queue Array |
Medium | Queue based approach for first non-repeating character in a stream | Amazon Flipkart Microsoft PayU Yahoo | queue String |
Hard | Distance of nearest cell having 1 in a binary matrix | Accenture Amazon Honeywell HSBC Hulu Twitter | queue Array Breadth First Search Graph Matrix |
Hard | Sum of minimum and maximum elements of all subarrays of size k | ByteDance Capital One CouponDunia Databricks Google Twilio Yandex | queue Array |
Medium | An Interesting Method to generate Binary Numbers from 1 to n | Amazon Belzabar Mahindra Comviva ServiceNow Wooker | tree Breadth First Search Queue |
Hard | Find the largest multiple of 3 | Amazon | queue Dynamic Programming Sorting |
| Transpose Graph | Accenture Amazon JP Morgan Microsoft Zycus | graph |
Easy | Check if the given array can represent Level Order Traversal of Binary Search Tree | Amazon Citrix IBM Indeed Info Edge OYO Rooms Teradata | tree Queue Tree Traversal |
Hard | Number of siblings of a given Node in n-ary Tree | Amazon Bloomberg CodeNation Google | tree Queue Tree Traversal |
Hard | Check whether a given Binary Tree is Complete or not | Alation American Express Databricks Oxigen Wallet Spotify | tree Queue |
Easy | Count the number of nodes at given level in a tree using BFS | Alation BankBazaar JP Morgan Square Taxi4Sure | tree Breadth First Search Graph Tree Traversal |
Easy | BFS for Disconnected Graph | Amazon Hulu Karat Microsoft Salesforce | graph Breadth First Search |
Medium | Page Replacement Algorithms in Operating Systems | Amazon Cognizant Factset Microsoft PayPal | algorithm |
Medium | Check if a queue can be sorted into another queue using a stack | Amazon American Express MAQ | queue Sorting Stack |
Medium | Priority Queue using doubly linked list | Amazon Citadel MAQ Wooker | queue |
Easy | Implement Stack and Queue using Deque | Fanatics GE Healthcare MAQ Myntra Qualcomm | queue Stack |
Medium | Form Minimum Number From Given Sequence | Amazon Goldman Sachs | stack Array String |
Medium | Minimum number of distinct elements after removing m items | BlackRock ByteDance Expedia Ola Cabs Oracle PayU SAP Labs Yandex | tree Array |
Hard | Convert BST into a Min-Heap without using array | Amazon Cisco Microsoft SAP Labs | tree |
Medium | Pattern Occurrences using Stack | | stack String |
Medium | Number Of Longest Increasing Subsequence | Amazon Samsung Zoho | dynamic-programming Array |
Hard | Merge two BSTs with limited extra space | Amazon Google Microsoft PayU Uber | tree |
Easy | Count subarrays with equal number of 1’s and 0’s | Cisco CouponDunia Coursera Databricks Karat SAP Labs Tesla | hashing Array |
Easy | Iterative Postorder Traversal Using Two Stacks | Adobe Amazon Factset Fourkites Paytm | stack Tree |
Medium | Stack Permutations (Check if an array is stack permutation of other) | Amazon Fourkites | stack Queue |
Hard | Palindrome Substring Queries | Amazon ByteDance eBay Expedia Google Intuit Microsoft PayPal Pinterest Synopsys | hashing Dynamic Programming String |
Easy | Rearrange array such that even index elements are smaller and odd index elements are greater | Avalara Epic Systems Fourkites Roblox Tesla | array |
Easy | Segregate even and odd numbers | Accolite LinkedIn MakeMyTrip Paytm | array Sorting |
Hard | Minimum Steps to reach target by a Knight | Amazon LinkedIn MakeMyTrip | graph Breadth First Search Dynamic Programming Queue |
Medium | Binary Tree to Binary Search Tree Conversion using STL set | Amazon Coursera Google Indeed Microsoft OYO Rooms | tree |
Medium | Growable array based stack | MAQ Walmart Labs | stack Array |
Easy | Find Minimum In Rotated Sorted Array | Adobe Amazon Microsoft Morgan Stanley Samsung Snapdeal Times Internet | array |
Medium | Implementation of Deque using circular array | Amazon GE Healthcare Google Microsoft | queue Array |
Easy | Move all negative elements to end in order with extra space allowed | Capital One Citrix IBM SAP Labs Taxi4Sure Twilio | array |
Hard | K’th Largest element in BST using constant extra space | Amazon Expedia FreeCharge Microsoft Snapdeal Yahoo Yandex | tree |
Medium | Rearrange an array in order – smallest, largest, 2nd smallest, 2nd largest | Amazon Citadel Expedia GE Healthcare Qualcomm Qualtrics Twilio Yatra | sorting Array |
Easy | Rearrange array such that even positioned are greater than odd | Amazon LinkedIn OYO Rooms Times Internet Zoho | array Sorting |
Medium | Double the first element and move zero to end | Microsoft Zoho | array |
Easy | Arrange given numbers to form the biggest number | Amazon MakeMyTrip Paytm Zoho | string Array |
Medium | K’th Largest Element in BST when modification to BST is not allowed | Amazon Cisco Google UHG Optum | tree |
Easy | Tracking current Maximum Element in a Stack | Factset Fourkites Infosys | stack |
Medium | Iterative method to find ancestors of a given binary tree | Adobe Amazon Fourkites Google InfoEdge Morgan Stanley Paytm Samsung | stack Tree |
Easy | Check if stack elements are pairwise consecutive | Delhivery Factset Fourkites | stack |
Easy | Remove duplicates from sorted array | Amazon Facebook Morgan Stanley Wipro Xome Zoho | array |
Easy | Check if each internal node of a BST has exactly one child | Accenture Amazon Monotype Solutions PayPal Synopsys | tree |
Medium | Elements to be added so that all elements of a range are present in array | GreyOrange Kuliza Snapdeal Synopsys Teradata Times Internet | hashing Array Sorting |
Medium | Count subarrays having total distinct elements same as original array | Amazon Databricks Fab Honeywell PayU Square Teradata Yandex | hashing Array |
Easy | Product of array except self | Accolite Amazon DE Shaw Morgan Stanley Opera | array |
Medium | Height of a generic tree from parent array | Google PayU Qualcomm Sprinklr Uber | tree Breadth First Search Dynamic Programming Graph Queue |
Medium | Find k-th smallest element in BST (Order Statistics in BST) | Accolite Amazon Google | tree |
Easy | Linked List Cycle | Accolite Amazon MAQ Samsung | linked-list |
Medium | Vertical sum in a given binary tree | Amazon Microsoft | tree |
Easy | A program to check if a binary tree is BST or not | Accolite Adobe Amazon Boomerang Commerce Factset GreyOrange MakeMyTrip Microsoft Oracle OYO Rooms Qualcomm Snapdeal VMware Walmart Labs Wooker | tree |
Medium | Check for Identical BSTs without building the trees | Fanatics Fourkites | tree |
Easy | Maximum Depth Of Binary Tree | Amazon Cadence India CouponDunia Factset FreeCharge MakeMyTrip Monotype Solutions Snapdeal Synopsys Teradata VMware Zoho | tree Depth First Search Tree Traversal |
Medium | Palindrome Partitioning | Amazon Facebook Google Microsoft | dynamic-programming Backtracking Depth First Search String |
Hard | First missing positive | Accolite Amazon Factset Samsung Snapdeal | array |
Medium | Contiguous Array Leetcode | Amazon Facebook Google | LeetCode Array Hashing |
Easy | Reverse Integer | MakeMyTrip MAQ | string |
Easy | Reverse words in a string | Accolite Adobe Amazon Cisco Goldman Sachs MakeMyTrip MAQ Microsoft Morgan Stanley Paytm PayU SAP Labs Wipro Zoho | string |
Easy | Reverse a String | Infosys MAQ o9 solutions TCS | string |
Easy | Seconds to Days | MAQ | |
Hard | Program for Bridge and Torch problem | Accolite eBay Quora Snapdeal Teradata Times Internet | dynamic-programming Array |
Hard | Cuckoo sequence program | Epic Systems Flipkart Google Microsoft Netflix Tesla | hashing |
Medium | Subarrays with distinct elements | Cisco FreeCharge Times Internet Zoho | hashing Array |
Easy | Find the minimum distance between two numbers | CouponDunia Coursera Delhivery Moonfrog Labs PayPal Paytm Snapchat | array |
Hard | Boolean Parenthesization Problem | Amazon LinkedIn Microsoft | dynamic-programming |
Hard | K maximum sums of overlapping contiguous sub-arrays | CodeNation Dell Facebook GE Healthcare Google Qualcomm | dynamic-programming Array |
Medium | Count quadruples from four sorted arrays whose sum is equal to a given value x | Accolite Fanatics Moonfrog Labs Synopsys | hashing Array Sorting |
Medium | Count pairs from two linked lists whose sum is equal to a given value | Adobe Amazon Avalara Expedia Fanatics Google Indeed Microsoft PayPal Tesla | hashing Sorting |
Easy | Find sum of non-repeating elements (distinct) elements in an array | Oxigen Wallet | hashing Array Sorting |
Hard | Find distinct elements common to all rows of a matrix | BlackRock Expedia JP Morgan Qualcomm Snapdeal Yatra Zoho | hashing Matrix Sorting |
Easy | Numbers with prime frequencies greater than or equal to k | Accolite Amazon Factset Fourkites GreyOrange Pinterest Xome | hashing Array |
Medium | Convert an array to reduced form | LinkedIn Snapchat Xome Yahoo | hashing Array Sorting |
Medium | Find pairs with given sum such that elements of pair are in different rows | Amazon DE Shaw Directi GreyOrange Indeed Pinterest Teradata | hashing Array Matrix |
Medium | Common elements in all rows of a given matrix | Amazon Cisco DE Shaw Opera SAP Labs Zoho | hashing Array Matrix |
Easy | Count pairs from two sorted arrays whose sum is equal to a given value x | BankBazaar Cisco Citadel Honeywell PayU Roblox Taxi4Sure Yandex | array Sorting |
Medium | Find all permuted rows of a given row in a matrix | 24*7 Innovation Labs Accenture Expedia IBM JP Morgan Quora | hashing Array Matrix |
Medium | How to print maximum number of A’s using given four keys | Amazon Facebook Google PayPal Paytm | dynamic-programming |
Medium | Collect maximum points in a grid using two traversals | Amazon Fab Goldman Sachs Google Honeywell LinkedIn Pinterest Yahoo | dynamic-programming Array Matrix |
Easy | Given two unsorted arrays find all pairs whose sum is x | Amazon Facebook | hashing Array |
Hard | Convert BST to Min Heap | Amazon BlackRock ByteDance GE Healthcare Honeywell | tree |
Easy | Sort elements by frequency | Amazon Oracle Zoho Zycus | hashing Array Sorting |
Easy | Convert String To Int | MAQ | string |
Easy | Find the first repeating element in an array of integers | Amazon Fanatics MAQ Microsoft Oracle | hashing Array |
Medium | Maximum weight transformation of a given string | Amazon BlackRock ByteDance CodeNation DE Shaw Expedia JP Morgan Ola Cabs | dynamic-programming String |
Hard | Word Wrap Problem | Arcesium Factset GreyOrange Microsoft Myntra Ola Cabs PayU | dynamic-programming |
Hard | The Painter’s Partition Problem | CodeNation Google | dynamic-programming |
| Maximum Subarray Sum Excluding Certain Elements | Accolite CodeNation Directi JP Morgan Qualcomm | dynamic-programming Array |
Hard | Merge Two Balanced Binary Search Trees | Amazon GE Healthcare Google Microsoft Salesforce Spotify | tree |
Easy | Binary Search Tree Search and Insertion | Amazon DBOI Fanatics GE Healthcare MAQ Microsoft UHG Optum | tree |
Easy | Count items common to both the lists but with different prices | Amazon Factset GE Healthcare Honeywell TCS Tesla | hashing |
Hard | Mobile Numeric Keypad Problem | Amazon MAQ Microsoft Sprinklr | dynamic-programming Matrix String |
Easy | Find the subarray with least average | Amazon Capital One Moonfrog Labs | array |
Easy | Find the smallest positive integer value that cannot be represented as sum of any subset of a given array | Databricks |