Seconds to Days

Difficulty Level Easy
Frequently asked in MAQ
MathViews 3086

Problem Statement

“Seconds To Days” problem states that you are given an integer s referring to the seconds. Print the corresponding number of the days, hours, minutes, and seconds.


s = 1543765
17dd 20hh 49mm 25ss

Explanation: Converting the given input into the required format. We get 17 d, 20 h, 49 m, and 25 s.

s = 9856743
114dd 1hh 59mm 3ss


Use the mathematical formula to calculate the following variables –

As we know 1 day = 24*3600 seconds

Therefore, to convert seconds into minutes –

numberOfDays = inputSeconds / 24*3600

As we know 1 hour = 3600 seconds

Therefore, to convert seconds into minutes –

numberOfHours = remainingSeconds / 3600

As we know 1 minute = 60 seconds

Therefore, to convert seconds into minutes –

numberOfMinutes = remianingSeconds / 60

Algorithm to convert seconds into days

1. Initialise a variable of interger type s referring to the seconds.
2. Create function to convert the seconds into the days, hours, minutes and seconds which accept an integer variable as it's parameter.
3. After that, create a variable of interger type days and initialise it's value as the result of the division of the given integer variable s and 24x3600.
4. Update the value of given integer variable s as the result of the mod of the given integer variable s and 24x3600.
5. Similarly, create a variable of interger type hours and initialise it's value as the result of the division of the given integer variable s and 3600.
6. Update the value of given integer variable s as the result of the mod of the given integer variable s and 3600.
7. Similarly, a variable of interger type minutes and initialise it's value as the result of the division of the given integer variable s and 60.
8. Update the value of given integer variable s as the result of the mod of the given integer variable s and 60.
9. After that, a variable of interger type variable seconds and initialise it as s.
10. Finally, print the integer variables days, hours, minutes and seconds.

Seconds to Days

Let’s take an example s = 300 seconds. Now first of all we will find the number of days. Because that is the unit of time given here which has a maximum number of seconds among others ( 1 day = 24 x 3600 s, 1 hour = 3600 s, 1 minute = 60 s). So, on dividing the s with j24 x 3600, we will get a quotient of 0. And a remainder of 300. So, we have 0 days. Now with the remaining seconds, we find the number of hours. Again we divide 300 with 3600. We get a quotient of 0 and remainder of 300. So now we find a number of minutes, by dividing the remaining seconds with 60. We get quotient as 5 and remainder as 0. So, after solving we get that 300 s = 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds.


C++ Program to convert seconds into days

#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 
void convertSecond(int s){ 
    int days = s/(24*3600); 
    s = s%(24*3600); 
    int hours = s/3600; 
    s %= 3600; 
    int minutes = s/60; 
    s %= 60; 
    int seconds = s; 
    cout<<days<<"dd "<<hours<<"hh "<<minutes<<"mm "<<seconds<<"ss "; 
int main(){ 
    int s = 1543765; 
    return 0; 
17dd 20hh 49mm 25ss

Java Program to convert seconds into days

class Seconds{ 
    static void convertSecond(int s){ 
        int days = s/(24*3600); 
        s = s%(24*3600); 
        int hours = s/3600; 
        s %= 3600; 
        int minutes = s/60; 
        s %= 60; 
        int seconds = s;
        System.out.println(days+"dd "+hours+"hh "+minutes+"mm "+seconds+"ss "); 
    public static void main (String[] args){ 
        int s = 1543765;
17dd 20hh 49mm 25ss

Complexity Analysis

Time complexity

O(1) because we used constant time. We only some particular formulae and those too on a single input.

Space complexity

O(1) because we used constant space, even if needed temporary variables they were in a constant number.

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