| Sliding Window Maximum LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon American Express Apple ByteDance Citadel Google Intel LinkedIn Mathworks Microsoft Oracle PayPal Salesforce Splunk Tesla Twilio Twitter Two Sigma Uber VMware Yelp | stack |
Easy | Max stack | Apple lyft Uber | stack |
Easy | Find Index of Closing Bracket for a Given Opening Bracket in an Expression | Adobe Amazon Flipkart Oracle OYO Rooms Snapdeal Walmart Labs Yatra | stack |
Easy | Design a stack that supports getMin() in O(1) time and O(1) extra space | Adobe Amazon Factset Flipkart Goldman Sachs GreyOrange Kuliza Microsoft Paytm Publicis Sapient SAP Snapdeal VMware | stack |
Easy | Sort a stack using recursion | Amazon Goldman Sachs IBM Kuliza Yahoo | stack |
Easy | Delete middle element of a stack | Amazon | stack |
Medium | Sorting array using Stacks | Amazon Goldman Sachs IBM Kuliza Yahoo | stack |
Medium | Sort a stack using a temporary stack | Amazon Goldman Sachs IBM Kuliza Yahoo | stack |
Easy | Reverse a stack without using extra space in O(n) | Factset Infosys MAQ | stack |
Easy | Bubble sort using two Stacks | Amazon Capgemini Delhivery MAQ | stack |
Medium | Count subarrays where second highest lie before highest | HackerRank | stack |
Easy | Find maximum difference between nearest left and right smaller elements | Fourkites | stack |
Medium | Remove brackets from an algebraic string containing + and – operators | Adobe Amazon Fourkites | stack |
Easy | Implement a stack using single queue | Amazon Fourkites Google Infosys MAQ Microsoft | stack |
Medium | Form Minimum Number From Given Sequence | Amazon Goldman Sachs | stack |
Medium | Pattern Occurrences using Stack | | stack |
Easy | Iterative Postorder Traversal Using Two Stacks | Adobe Amazon Factset Fourkites Paytm | stack |
Medium | Stack Permutations (Check if an array is stack permutation of other) | Amazon Fourkites | stack |
Medium | Growable array based stack | MAQ Walmart Labs | stack |
Easy | Tracking current Maximum Element in a Stack | Factset Fourkites Infosys | stack |
Medium | Iterative method to find ancestors of a given binary tree | Adobe Amazon Fourkites Google InfoEdge Morgan Stanley Paytm Samsung | stack |
Easy | Check if stack elements are pairwise consecutive | Delhivery Factset Fourkites | stack |
Medium | Identify and Mark Unmatched Parenthesis in an Expression | TCS | stack |
Medium | Minimum Bracket Reversals | Amazon Fanatics | stack |
Easy | Reverse a Number Using Stack | MAQ Nokia o9 solutions | stack |
Medium | Check if Two Expressions With Brackets are Same | Amazon Hike Oracle Snapdeal Walmart Labs Wipro Yatra Zoho | stack |
Easy | Min Stack | Amazon Bloomberg Capital One DBOI Deutsche Bank Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Oracle Walmart Labs | stack |
Easy | Implement Stack using Queues | PayPal | stack |
Medium | Arithmetic Expression Evaluation | Amazon Oracle | stack |
Medium | Maximum Product of Indexes of Next Greater on Left and Right | Factset Fourkites InfoEdge | stack |
Easy | Check for Balanced Parentheses in an Expression | Amazon Hike Oracle Snapdeal Walmart Labs Wipro Yatra Zoho | stack |
Medium | Evaluation of Postfix Expression | Amazon Oracle | stack |
Easy | Reverse a Stack Using Recursion | Factset Fourkites | stack |
Easy | Find if an Expression has Duplicate Parenthesis or Not | Amazon Factset Oracle | stack |
Medium | How to Implement Stack Using Priority Queue or Heap? | Amazon Fanatics Fourkites | stack |
Medium | Iterative Tower of Hanoi | MAQ | stack |
Medium | How to Efficiently Implement k Stacks in a Single Array? | Amazon Fourkites | stack |
Medium | Find Maximum Depth of Nested Parenthesis in a String | Amazon Facebook | stack |
Medium | Expression Evaluation | Amazon Oracle | stack |
Medium | How to Create Mergable Stack? | Amazon Factset Fanatics | stack |
Medium | The Stock Span Problem | Amazon Delhivery MAQ | stack |
Medium | Find Maximum Sum Possible Equal Sum of Three Stacks | Amazon Fanatics Fourkites | stack |
Medium | Print Next Greater Number of Q queries | Amazon Factset Fanatics | stack |
Medium | Check if an Array is Stack Sortable | Accenture Accolite Amazon | stack |
Easy | Reverse a String using Stack | Accolite Capgemini Delhivery Fanatics Fourkites | stack |
Easy | Number of NGEs to the Right | Accolite Fanatics Fourkites | stack |
Medium | Balanced Expression with Replacement | Amazon Hike Oracle Snapchat Snapdeal Walmart Labs Wipro Yatra Zoho | stack |
Medium | Decode String | Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco eBay Facebook Google Hulu Microsoft Oracle | stack |
Easy | Recursion | Amazon Infosys MAQ | stack |
Medium | Prefix to Infix Conversion | Amazon Avalara Fanatics | stack |
Easy | Postfix to Infix Conversion | Amazon Factset Microsoft | stack |
Medium | Prefix to Postfix Conversion | Amazon Factset Fanatics Oracle | stack |
Medium | Postfix to Prefix Conversion | Amazon Factset Fanatics Oracle | stack |
Easy | Backspace String Compare | Amazon CodeNation Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle | stack |