Medium | Union and Intersection of two Linked Lists | 24*7 Innovation Labs Accolite Amazon Flipkart Komli Media Microsoft Taxi4Sure VMware Walmart Labs | linked-list |
Medium | Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II | Amazon | linked-list |
Easy | Write a function to get the intersection point of two Linked Lists | Accolite Amazon DE Shaw Factset Goldman Sachs MakeMyTrip MAQ Microsoft Qualcomm Snapdeal Visa Zopper | linked-list |
Medium | Delete Nth node from the end of the given linked list | Adobe Amazon Arcesium Factset Intuit Zoho | linked-list |
Easy | Delete a Node from linked list without head pointer | GE Healthcare MAQ | linked-list |
Medium | Implementation of Deque using Doubly Linked List | Adobe Alation Amazon American Express DE Shaw Factset Fourkites GE Healthcare Google Oxigen Wallet Qualcomm Spotify Sprinklr UHG Optum Wooker Xome ZScaler | linked-list |
Easy | Linked List Cycle | Accolite Amazon MAQ Samsung | linked-list |
Medium | Swap Nodes In Pairs | Amazon Microsoft Moonfrog Labs | linked-list |
Hard | Merge K Sorted Linked Lists | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Databricks eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Microsoft Oracle Palantir Technologies Twitter Uber | linked-list |
Easy | Merge Two Sorted Linked Lists | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Capital One Facebook Google IBM Microsoft Oracle | linked-list |
Hard | Reverse Nodes in K-Group | Adobe Amazon Apple ByteDance Facebook Microsoft | linked-list |
Medium | Add two numbers | Amazon Apple Bloomberg DocuSign Facebook Google Microsoft Uber VMware Walmart Labs Yahoo | linked-list |
Easy | Reverse a linked list | Accolite Adobe Amazon MakeMyTrip Microsoft Qualcomm Samsung SAP SAP Labs Snapdeal Zoho | linked-list |
Easy | Insert Node in the Sorted Linked List | Apple Microsoft | linked-list |
Easy | Detect a loop in the Linked List | Amazon Apple Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft | linked-list |
Easy | Find Nth Node | Accolite Adobe Amazon Epic Systems Factset Hike MAQ Monotype Solutions Qualcomm Snapdeal | linked-list |
Easy | Swap Kth Node from beginning with Kth Node from End | Amazon BlackRock Morgan Stanley | linked-list |
| Swap nodes in the linked list | | linked-list |
Easy | Delete Last Occurrence | Adobe Factset Oracle | linked-list |
Easy | Check if a Linked list of Strings form a Palindrome | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Capital One Cisco Facebook Google IXL Microsoft Nutanix Oracle Paytm Snapchat Uber Yandex | linked-list |
| Merge two sorted linked lists such that merged list is in reverse order | | linked-list |
| Rearrange a given linked list in-place | | linked-list |
| Clone a Linked List with next and random pointer | | linked-list |
| Construct a Maximum Sum Linked List out of two Sorted Linked Lists having some Common nodes | | linked-list |
| Quick Sort on SIngly Linked List | | linked-list |
| Flatten a multilevel linked list | | linked-list |
| Rotate a Linked List | | linked-list |
| Union and Intersection of Two Linked Lists | | linked-list |
| Sort linked which is sorted on absolute values | | linked-list |
| Binary Tree to Doubly linked list | | linked-list |
| Rearrange a linked list in Zig-Zag | | linked-list |
| Clone a linked list with next and random pointer (Hashing) | | linked-list |
| Flattening a linked list | | linked-list |
| Segregate even and odd nodes in a linked list | | linked-list |
| Delete a node of a linked list at given position | | linked-list |
| Compare two strings(linked lists) | | linked-list |
| Merge sort better than quick sort for linked lists | | linked-list |
| Sort a linked list that is sorted alternating ascending and descending | | linked-list |
| Remove middle points in a linked list of line segments | | linked-list |
| Can we reverse a linked list in less than O(n) time ? | | linked-list |
| Merge a linked list into another at alternate positions | | linked-list |
| Delete N nodes after M | | linked-list |
| Sort a linked list with 0s, 1s and 2s | | linked-list |
| Triplet from three linked lists with given sum | | linked-list |
| Delete a node under given conditions | | linked-list |
| Reverse a Linked List in groups | | linked-list |
| Reverse a singly linked list recursively | | linked-list |
| Reverse a Singly Linked List (Iterative/Non-Recursive) | | linked-list |
| Remove all duplicates in an unsorted linked list | | linked-list |
| Remove all duplicates in a sorted linked list | | linked-list |
| Check if the linked list is palindrome | | linked-list |
| Total number of occurrences of a given item in the linked list | | linked-list |
| Find nth node of the Linked list from the end | | linked-list |
| Find middle of the Linked List | | linked-list |
| Insert nodes in a linked list in a sorted way (Ascending Order) | | linked-list |
| Check if two linked lists are identical | | linked-list |
| Move last element of the Linked List at first place | | linked-list |
| Delete a node in doubly linked list | | linked-list |
| How to Delete a Linked List | | linked-list |
| Split linked list using alternate nodes | | linked-list |
| Create a Doubly Linked List | | linked-list |