Easy | Minimum Delete Operations to make all Elements of Array Same | Adobe Factset | hashing |
Medium | Maximum Distance Between two Occurrences of Same Element in Array | Delhivery Factset Fanatics Fourkites | hashing |
Easy | Group Multiple Occurrence of Array Elements Ordered by first Occurrence | Accolite Adobe Amazon Delhivery Fourkites | hashing |
Hard | Smallest Subarray with k Distinct Numbers | Amazon Google | hashing |
Medium | Find Largest d in Array such that a + b + c = d | Accolite Amazon Delhivery Fanatics Fourkites FreeCharge | hashing |
Easy | Minimum swaps required to bring all elements less than or equal to k together | Amazon AppDynamics Factset Fourkites Microsoft | hashing |
Easy | Find top three repeated in array | MAQ o9 solutions Wipro | hashing |
Medium | Sorting using trivial hash function | Cadence India Capgemini Factset MAQ UHG Optum | hashing |
Easy | Find duplicates in a given array when elements are not limited to a range | Adobe Amazon Factset MAQ UHG Optum | hashing |
Medium | Check if Array Contains Contiguous Integers With Duplicates Allowed | Accenture Amazon Directi Facebook Intuit | hashing |
Easy | Sum of f(a[i], a[j]) over all pairs in an array of n integers | Cisco Facebook Hike Publicis Sapient | hashing |
Easy | Count of index pairs with equal elements in an array | Amazon Atlassian Citadel Facebook Intuit Snapdeal Square Yandex | hashing |
Easy | Find Sum of all unique sub-array sum for a given array | Amazon Facebook GreyOrange Intuit Microsoft Nagarro | hashing |
Medium | Longest subarray not having more than K distinct elements | Amazon Citadel Delhivery Facebook Microsoft Samsung Yandex | hashing |
Hard | Maximum possible difference of two subsets of an array | Atlassian Cadence India Directi FreeCharge Opera PayU Snapchat Times Internet Xome | hashing |
Easy | Minimum operation to make all elements equal in array | Amazon BlackRock Citadel Directi Flipkart Indeed Yandex | hashing |
Medium | Find subarray with given sum (Handles Negative Numbers) | Amazon CouponDunia Delhivery GE Healthcare InfoEdge Moonfrog Labs | hashing |
Medium | Length of the largest subarray with contiguous elements | Adobe Amazon Bloomberg Cisco Karat Monotype Solutions Paytm PayU Publicis Sapient SAP Labs | hashing |
Medium | Count number of triplets with product equal to given number | Accolite Amazon Cisco Flipkart Kuliza Publicis Sapient | hashing |
Medium | Maximum difference between first and last indexes of an element in array | Accolite Amazon Hike MakeMyTrip Ola Cabs SAP Labs | hashing |
Hard | Find any one of the multiple repeating elements in read only array | Capital One Facebook Google Indeed Microsoft Pinterest | hashing |
Easy | Find elements which are present in first array and not in second | Accolite Delhivery Factset Fanatics Snapdeal Zoho | hashing |
Hard | Check for Palindrome after every character replacement Query | Amazon Facebook Flipkart Google Netflix | hashing |
Easy | Difference between highest and least frequencies in an array | Citadel Fab Fourkites Roblox Tesla | hashing |
Hard | Find four elements that sum to a given value (Hashmap) | Amazon Google Microsoft | hashing |
Easy | k-th missing element in increasing sequence which is not present in a given sequence | Citadel Expedia Fab Factset IBM SAP Labs | hashing |
Easy | How to check if two given sets are disjoint? | Factset Hike Kuliza Nagarro Opera Snapdeal | hashing |
Easy | Check if a given array contains duplicate elements within k distance from each other | Amazon Avalara Citadel FreeCharge HackerRank Snapchat Snapdeal | hashing |
Medium | Check if two arrays are equal or not | Accenture Goldman Sachs MAQ o9 solutions Taxi4Sure Twilio | hashing |
Medium | Pair with given product | 24*7 Innovation Labs Amazon Avalara Roblox | hashing |
Medium | Subarray with 0 sum | Citrix DE Shaw Goldman Sachs Indeed MakeMyTrip OYO Rooms Paytm TCS | hashing |
Easy | Find missing elements of a range | Delhivery GreyOrange LinkedIn Nagarro Opera Synopsys | hashing |
Easy | First element occurring k times in an array | Amazon Hike PayU SAP Labs Teradata Wipro Yatra Zoho | hashing |
Hard | Print all subarrays with 0 sum | Amazon FreeCharge Indeed Info Edge Microsoft OYO Rooms | hashing |
Easy | Contains Duplicate | Adobe Amazon Apple | hashing |
Hard | Count Substrings with equal number of 0s, 1s and 2s | Citrix FreeCharge Goldman Sachs OYO Rooms Times Internet Twilio | hashing |
Medium | Largest subarray with equal number of 0s and 1s | Amazon Coursera GreyOrange MakeMyTrip Morgan Stanley Paytm Synopsys Times Internet | hashing |
Easy | Non-overlapping sum of two sets | Accolite Amazon Hike Kuliza Pinterest Snapdeal Synopsys Teradata | hashing |
Hard | Find all pairs (a, b) in an array such that a % b = k | Amazon Arcesium Citadel Directi FreeCharge Yahoo | hashing |
Easy | Count subarrays with equal number of 1’s and 0’s | Cisco CouponDunia Coursera Databricks Karat SAP Labs Tesla | hashing |
Hard | Palindrome Substring Queries | Amazon ByteDance eBay Expedia Google Intuit Microsoft PayPal Pinterest Synopsys | hashing |
Medium | Elements to be added so that all elements of a range are present in array | GreyOrange Kuliza Snapdeal Synopsys Teradata Times Internet | hashing |
Medium | Count subarrays having total distinct elements same as original array | Amazon Databricks Fab Honeywell PayU Square Teradata Yandex | hashing |
Hard | Cuckoo sequence program | Epic Systems Flipkart Google Microsoft Netflix Tesla | hashing |
Medium | Subarrays with distinct elements | Cisco FreeCharge Times Internet Zoho | hashing |
Medium | Count quadruples from four sorted arrays whose sum is equal to a given value x | Accolite Fanatics Moonfrog Labs Synopsys | hashing |
Medium | Count pairs from two linked lists whose sum is equal to a given value | Adobe Amazon Avalara Expedia Fanatics Google Indeed Microsoft PayPal Tesla | hashing |
Easy | Find sum of non-repeating elements (distinct) elements in an array | Oxigen Wallet | hashing |
Hard | Find distinct elements common to all rows of a matrix | BlackRock Expedia JP Morgan Qualcomm Snapdeal Yatra Zoho | hashing |
Easy | Numbers with prime frequencies greater than or equal to k | Accolite Amazon Factset Fourkites GreyOrange Pinterest Xome | hashing |
Medium | Convert an array to reduced form | LinkedIn Snapchat Xome Yahoo | hashing |
Medium | Find pairs with given sum such that elements of pair are in different rows | Amazon DE Shaw Directi GreyOrange Indeed Pinterest Teradata | hashing |
Medium | Common elements in all rows of a given matrix | Amazon Cisco DE Shaw Opera SAP Labs Zoho | hashing |
Medium | Find all permuted rows of a given row in a matrix | 24*7 Innovation Labs Accenture Expedia IBM JP Morgan | hashing |
Easy | Given two unsorted arrays find all pairs whose sum is x | Amazon Facebook | hashing |
Easy | Sort elements by frequency | Amazon Oracle Zoho Zycus | hashing |
Easy | Find the first repeating element in an array of integers | Amazon Fanatics MAQ Microsoft Oracle | hashing |
Easy | Count items common to both the lists but with different prices | Amazon Factset GE Healthcare Honeywell TCS Tesla | hashing |
Easy | Minimum number of subsets with distinct elements | Capital One GE Healthcare IBM Moonfrog Labs Yandex | hashing |
Medium | Longest Span with same Sum in two Binary arrays | Accenture Cisco Indeed Kuliza SAP Labs Yandex | hashing |
Easy | Find Number of Employees Under every Employee | Accolite GE Healthcare Microsoft Myntra Qualcomm Synopsys Teradata | hashing |
Medium | Smallest Element Repeated Exactly K Times | Belzabar Komli Media Netskope Nvidia Opera ServiceNow UHG Optum | hashing |
Medium | K-th Distinct Element in an Array | Adobe Amazon Apple ByteDance eBay Expedia Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle Salesforce Spotify Walmart Labs | hashing |
Easy | Cumulative Frequency of Count of Each Element in an Unsorted Array | Cadence India Fanatics LinkedIn Moonfrog Labs Pinterest | hashing |
Medium | Group Words With Same Set of Characters | BlackRock Citrix IBM JP Morgan SAP Labs Xome | hashing |
Easy | First non Repeating Element | Belzabar Komli Media MetLife Snapdeal Sprinklr Wooker | hashing |
Easy | Second Most Repeated Word in a Sequence | Amazon GE Healthcare Goldman Sachs Paytm Snapdeal UHG Optum | hashing |
Easy | Print All Distinct Elements of a Given Integer Array | Amazon MakeMyTrip Zoho | hashing |
Easy | Pair of Positive Negative Values in an Array | Amazon Belzabar Honeywell Hulu Nvidia Robinhood Yelp | hashing |
Easy | Remove Minimum Number of Elements Such That no Common Element Exist in both Array | Alation MetLife Oxigen Wallet ServiceNow Spotify | hashing |
Easy | Maximum occurring character in a string | Amazon Morgan Stanley PayU Zoho | hashing |
Easy | Count Pairs With Given Sum | Accolite Amazon Factset Hike | hashing |
Easy | Most Frequent Element in an Array | Adobe Amazon Factset Fourkites Infosys MAQ | hashing |
Easy | Find Pair with Greatest Product in Array | Samsung | hashing |
Medium | Smallest Subarray With all Occurrences of a Most Frequent Element | Citrix Coursera OYO Rooms Qualtrics Synopsys Taxi4Sure | hashing |
Medium | Find Top K (or Most Frequent) Numbers in a Stream | Accolite Amazon | hashing |
Medium | Next Greater Frequency Element | Accenture Capgemini Microsoft UHG Optum | hashing |
Easy | Change the Array into Permutation of Numbers From 1 to N | Capgemini Delhivery Fourkites MAQ o9 solutions Publicis Sapient | hashing |