| Sliding Window Maximum LeetCode Solution | Adobe Amazon American Express Apple ByteDance Citadel Google Intel LinkedIn Mathworks Microsoft Oracle PayPal Salesforce Splunk Tesla Twilio Twitter Two Sigma Uber VMware Yelp | stack |
| Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 LeetCode Solution | Amazon Apple BlackRock Cisco Citadel DE Shaw DocuSign Expedia Infosys Mathworks Oracle PayPal Salesforce ServiceNow Twilio Visa VMware | array |
| Minimum swaps to make sequences increasing | | array |
| Sum of nearest smaller and greater number | | array |
Medium | Rearrange Array such that arr[i] >= arr[j] if i is even and arr[i] <= arr[j] if i is odd and j < i | Accenture Adobe Amazon Factset Zoho | array |
Medium | Contiguous Array | Amazon MakeMyTrip Morgan Stanley Paytm | array |
Medium | Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray | Indeed Karat Roblox | array |
Easy | Count pair with Given Sum | Accolite Amazon Factset Hike | array |
Medium | Maximum difference between frequency of two elements such that element having greater frequency is also greater | Accenture Accolite Amazon VMware | array |
Medium | All Unique Triplets that Sum up to a Given Value | Accolite Amazon Fanatics | array |
Easy | Longest Subarray Having Count of 1s One More than Count of 0s | Accenture Amazon DE Shaw Samsung | array |
Medium | Maximum Array from Two given Arrays Keeping Order Same | Accenture Amazon Delhivery Factset Fourkites OYO Rooms Publicis Sapient Zoho | array |
Easy | Count Subarrays with Same Even and Odd Elements | Accenture Factset Fanatics | array |
Easy | Rearrange an Array Such that arr[i] is equal to i | Accenture Adobe Amazon Fanatics Fourkites Zoho | array |
Easy | Segregate 0s and 1s in an Array | Accolite Amazon Fab MakeMyTrip PayPal Paytm Zoho | array |
Medium | Maximum Number of Chocolates to be Distributed Equally Among k Students | Accenture Adobe Amazon Facebook Fourkites | array |
Easy | Maximum Consecutive Numbers Present in an Array | Accolite Adobe Amazon Fourkites MAQ | array |
Easy | Move all negative elements to one side of array | Capgemini Hike MAQ o9 solutions TCS | array |
Hard | Queries for Number of Distinct Elements in a Subarray | Amazon Google Microsoft Oracle Uber | array |
Hard | Queries on Probability of Even or Odd Number in given Ranges | Google Honeywell Uber | array |
Medium | Total Numbers With no Repeated Digits in a Range | Accolite Factset MAQ | array |
Hard | Range Minimum Query (Square Root Decomposition and Sparse Table) | Amazon Apple Google | array |
Medium | Range Sum Query using Sparse Table | Amazon Publicis Sapient Zoho | array |
Hard | Count and Toggle Queries on a Binary Array | Amazon Facebook Google Uber | array |
Medium | Queries for Decimal Values of Subarrays of a Binary Array | Amazon Google | array |
Medium | Maximize Elements Using Another Array | Amazon Fanatics Fourkites | array |
Easy | Find whether an array is subset of another array | Accolite GE Healthcare Qualcomm | array |
Medium | Print all triplets in sorted array that form AP | Accenture Accolite Cadence India Google InfoEdge Intuit Pinterest | array |
Medium | Find number of pairs in an array such that their XOR is 0 | Cadence India CouponDunia Honeywell Indeed InfoEdge Moonfrog Labs Pinterest | array |
Easy | Given an Array of Pairs Find all Symmetric Pairs in it | Amazon Capgemini Cisco FreeCharge Moonfrog Labs Opera Xome | array |
Medium | Find all triplets with zero sum | Amazon GE Healthcare Google Hike | array |
Medium | Generate all possible sorted arrays from alternate elements of two given sorted arrays | Directi Karat PayPal Twilio Yandex | array |
Hard | Array Queries for multiply replacements and product | Cadence India DE Shaw Expedia Google | array |
Easy | Check in binary array the number represented by a subarray is odd or even | Cisco Fab IBM Microsoft PayU Snapchat Snapdeal Teradata | array |
Hard | Queries for counts of array elements with values in given range | Coursera DE Shaw Google PayU Snapdeal Times Internet Yahoo | array |
Hard | Products of ranges in an array | Accolite DE Shaw FreeCharge Google SAP Labs Snapdeal Times Internet | array |
Easy | Palindrome Permutation | Facebook Microsoft | array |
Easy | Sort an array according to the order defined by another array | Amazon Microsoft SAP Labs Snapchat Yahoo Zoho | array |
Medium | Shuffle 2n integers as a1-b1-a2-b2-a3-b3-..bn without using extra space | Adobe DE Shaw Expedia Fanatics Indeed PayU | array |
Easy | Distinct adjacent elements in an array | Coursera DE Shaw Hike IBM Kuliza Nagarro Opera OYO Rooms Zoho | array |
Hard | Construction of Longest Increasing Subsequence (N log N) | Amazon BankBazaar Paytm Samsung | array |
Easy | Maximize sum of consecutive differences in a circular array | Cadence India eBay GE Healthcare Karat SAP Labs Square | array |
Easy | Three way partitioning of an array around a given range | BankBazaar BlackRock Capital One Citadel Fab Moonfrog Labs Synopsys Twilio Yahoo | array |
Medium | Check if X can give change to every person in the Queue | Amazon | array |
Easy | Rearrange an array such that ‘arr[j]’ becomes ‘i’ if ‘arr[i]’ is ‘j’ | Amazon Delhivery Kuliza Nagarro Opera Times Internet Yatra | array |
Medium | Maximum length subsequence with difference between adjacent elements as either 0 or 1 | Cisco Expedia Qualtrics SAP Labs Teradata | array |
Easy | Replace two consecutive equal values with one greater | Accenture Citadel FreeCharge PayPal Square Teradata | array |
Medium | Find a sorted subsequence of size 3 in linear time | Avalara Capital One Citadel Citrix eBay Fab Synopsys | array |
Medium | Maximum Product Subarray | Amazon Cisco Microsoft Morgan Stanley Myntra PayU Times Internet Zoho | array |
Easy | Convert array into Zig-Zag fashion | Accenture Amazon Fourkites Teradata Xome | array |
Easy | Rearrange array such that even index elements are smaller and odd index elements are greater | Avalara Epic Systems Fourkites Roblox Tesla | array |
Easy | Segregate even and odd numbers | Accolite LinkedIn MakeMyTrip Paytm | array |
Easy | Find Minimum In Rotated Sorted Array | Adobe Amazon Microsoft Morgan Stanley Samsung Snapdeal Times Internet | array |
Easy | Move all negative elements to end in order with extra space allowed | Capital One Citrix IBM SAP Labs Taxi4Sure Twilio | array |
Easy | Rearrange array such that even positioned are greater than odd | Amazon LinkedIn OYO Rooms Times Internet Zoho | array |
Medium | Double the first element and move zero to end | Microsoft Zoho | array |
Easy | Remove duplicates from sorted array | Amazon Facebook Morgan Stanley Wipro Xome Zoho | array |
Easy | Product of array except self | Accolite Amazon DE Shaw Morgan Stanley Opera | array |
Hard | First missing positive | Accolite Amazon Factset Samsung Snapdeal | array |
Easy | Find the minimum distance between two numbers | CouponDunia Coursera Delhivery Moonfrog Labs PayPal Paytm Snapchat | array |
Easy | Count pairs from two sorted arrays whose sum is equal to a given value x | BankBazaar Cisco Citadel Honeywell PayU Roblox Taxi4Sure Yandex | array |
Easy | Find the subarray with least average | Amazon Capital One Moonfrog Labs | array |
Easy | Find the smallest positive integer value that cannot be represented as sum of any subset of a given array | Databricks Fab Taxi4Sure UHG Optum | array |
Easy | Find minimum number of merge operations to make an array palindrome | Accolite Adobe Amazon Fourkites | array |
Medium | Minimize the maximum difference between the heights | Adobe Cisco Fanatics Yandex | array |
Easy | Find maximum average subarray of k length | Amazon | array |
Easy | Find minimum difference between any two elements | Amazon | array |
Medium | Count minimum steps to get the given desired array | Capital One Citrix Coursera Synopsys Zycus | array |
Easy | Dividing Array into Pairs With Sum Divisible by K | Amazon Microsoft | array |
Medium | Count Distinct Elements in Every Window of Size K | Accolite Amazon Microsoft | array |
Easy | Count Subsets Having Distinct Even Numbers | Cisco Expedia Myntra SAP Labs Taxi4Sure | array |
Medium | Find Three Element From Different Three Arrays Such That a + b + c = sum | Amazon Databricks Directi JP Morgan Taxi4Sure Twilio Zoho | array |
Medium | Longest Increasing Subsequence | Adobe Amazon Citrix CodeNation Facebook Google Microsoft Samsung Zoho | array |
Easy | Count Pairs Whose Products Exist in Array | Accolite Amazon BlackRock Moonfrog Labs Ola Cabs Snapchat Xome | array |
Medium | Merge Overlapping Intervals | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Cisco eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google IXL Microsoft Oracle Palantir Technologies PayPal Splunk Square Twitter Uber VMware Yandex | array |
Hard | Median of Two Sorted Arrays | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft | array |
Medium | Maximum Product Subarray | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft | array |
Medium | Find Maximum of Minimum for Every Window Size in a Given Array | Amazon Directi Flipkart SAP Labs Zoho | array |
Medium | Longest Common Prefix Using Word by Word Matching | VMware | array |
Medium | Minimum Size Subarray Sum | Amazon Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft | array |
Easy | Intersection of Two Arrays | Amazon ByteDance Facebook | array |
Medium | Search an Element in Sorted Rotated Array | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance eBay Expedia Facebook Google Microsoft Nvidia Oracle PayPal Paytm VMware Walmart Labs Zillow | array |
Medium | Maximum Product Subarray | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft | array |
Medium | 3 Sum | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Qualtrics Tesla VMware | array |
Medium | Find The Duplicate Number | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Google Microsoft | array |
Hard | Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping Subarrays | Facebook | array |
Easy | Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists | Oracle Yelp | array |
Medium | Split Array Into Consecutive Subsequences | Google | array |
Medium | Find the Duplicate Element | Apple Bloomberg Google Microsoft | array |
Easy | Find the Only Repetitive Element Between 1 to N-1 | CouponDunia Delhivery GreyOrange Info Edge LinkedIn Nagarro SAP Labs | array |
Medium | Finding K closest element | Amazon | array |
Medium | Jump Game | Adobe Amazon Bloomberg Facebook Microsoft | array |
Medium | Combination Sum | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg eBay Facebook Microsoft | array |
Medium | Search in Sorted Rotated Array | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance eBay Expedia Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Nvidia Oracle PayPal VMware Walmart Labs | array |
Easy | Maximum Subarray | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco Facebook Goldman Sachs Google JP Morgan JPMorgan LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle PayPal Paytm Uber | array |
Medium | Sliding Window Maximum | Akuna Capital Amazon ByteDance Citadel Databricks Dropbox Expedia Facebook Google IBM Uber | array |
Medium | Delete And Earn | Pocket Gems | array |
Medium | Length of Longest Fibonacci Subsequence | Amazon | array |
Medium | Merging Intervals | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Cisco eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google IXL Microsoft Oracle Palantir Technologies PayPal Splunk Square Twitter Uber VMware Walmart Labs Yahoo Yandex | array |
Easy | First Bad Version | Amazon Cisco Facebook Google | array |
Easy | Peak Index in a Mountain Array | Microsoft | array |
Medium | 4Sum | Adobe Amazon Apple Goldman Sachs | array |
Hard | Create Maximum Number | Apple | array |
Easy | Degree of an array | VMware Walmart Labs | array |
Medium | Queue Reconstruction by Height | Amazon Apple ByteDance Facebook Google | array |
Easy | Search Insert Position | Adobe | array |
Medium | Find Peak Element | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Google Visa | array |
Medium | Valid Triangle Number | Bloomberg Robinhood | array |
Easy | Power of Two | Apple | array |
Medium | Maximum size subarray sum equals k | Facebook Microsoft | array |
Easy | Next greater element | Amazon Bloomberg | array |
Hard | Guess The Word | Amazon Google | array |
Easy | Missing Number | Amazon Apple Capital One Cisco Facebook Microsoft | array |
Easy | Merge Sorted Array | Amazon Amdocs Apple Bloomberg Brocade Facebook Goldman Sachs IBM Juniper Networks LinkedIn Microsoft Quikr Snapdeal Synopsys Visa Zoho | array |
Medium | Partition Equal Subset Sum | Amazon Facebook Google | array |
Easy | Last Stone Weight | Amazon | array |
Medium | Sort Colors | Amazon eBay Expedia Facebook Goldman Sachs Nvidia Oracle | array |
Medium | Rotate Array | Amazon Apple MakeMyTrip MAQ Microsoft Oracle SAP SAP Labs Wipro | array |
Medium | Subarray Sum Equals k | Adobe Amazon American Express Bloomberg eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Twilio Yahoo | array |
Hard | Infix to Postfix | Amazon Paytm Samsung VMware | array |
Easy | Circular Queue | Infosys MAQ o9 solutions Oracle | array |
| Given a sorted array and a number x, find the pair in array whose sum is closest to x | | array |
| Find the subarray whose sum is equal to a given number X | | array |
| Arrange Even and Odd number such that Odd comes after Even | | array |
Easy | Minimum number of Merge Operations to make an Array Palindrome | Amazon | array |
Easy | Form Minimum Number from Given Sequence of D’s and I’s | Amazon Goldman Sachs | array |
Medium | Longest Span with same Sum in two Binary Arrays II | Accenture Cisco Indeed Kuliza SAP Labs Yandex | array |
Easy | Find the Subarray of given length with Least Average | Accenture Accolite Amazon Factset Fourkites Paytm Zoho | array |
Easy | Find Zeros to be Flipped so that Number of Consecutive 1’s is Maximized | Accolite Amazon GE Healthcare Info Edge Zoho | array |
Medium | Merge K Sorted Arrays and Print Sorted Output | Amazon GE Healthcare Google Microsoft | array |
Medium | Find the Minimum Element in a Sorted and Rotated Array | Amazon Bloomberg Facebook Goldman Sachs Microsoft Oracle | array |
Medium | Find the point where a monotonically increasing function becomes positive first time | American Express | array |
Medium | Print all Possible Combinations of R Elements in a given Array of size N | GreyOrange Oxigen Wallet | array |
Medium | Sort Elements by Frequency II | Amazon Oracle Zoho Zycus | array |
Easy | Stock Buy Sell to Maximize Profit | Amazon Apple Facebook Microsoft Morgan Stanley PayPal Qualtrics TCS Uber | array |
Medium | Merge Overlapping Intervals II | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Cisco eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google IXL Microsoft Oracle Palantir Technologies PayPal Qualtrics Salesforce Splunk Twitter Uber VMware Walmart Labs Yahoo Yandex | array |
Medium | Maximum Subarray Sum using Divide and Conquer | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco Facebook Goldman Sachs Google JPMorgan LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle PayPal Paytm Uber | array |
Hard | Pancake Sorting Problem | Amazon Facebook Microsoft Square Uber | array |
Medium | Pancake Sorting | Amazon Facebook Microsoft Square Uber | array |
Medium | Arrange given Numbers to Form the Biggest Number II | Adobe Amazon Apple ByteDance Facebook Google MakeMyTrip Microsoft Nvidia Oracle Paytm VMware Zoho | array |
Medium | Iterative Implementation of Quick Sort | Amazon Apple Bloomberg | array |
Easy | Shuffle a given Array | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle Two Sigma Yahoo | array |
Medium | Find the Row with Maximum Number of 1’s | 24*7 Innovation Labs Amazon Microsoft Paytm | array |
Easy | Sorting a K Sorted Array | Amazon Apple Bloomberg | array |
Medium | Maximum Product Subarray II | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft | array |
Medium | Largest Subarray with Equal Number of 0’s and 1’s | Adobe Amazon Apple Facebook Google Robinhood | array |
Easy | Find the two Numbers with Odd Occurrences in an Unsorted Array | Accolite Factset Google Oracle | array |
Medium | Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence | Adobe Amazon Apple Atlassian Bloomberg ByteDance Citrix CodeNation eBay Facebook Google IBM Microsoft Nagarro Oracle Uber Yahoo | array |
Medium | Implement Two Stacks in an Array | 24*7 Innovation Labs Accolite Google Microsoft Samsung Snapdeal | array |
Medium | Number of Smaller Elements on Right Side | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Google Microsoft Oracle Uber | array |
Easy | Increasing Subsequence of Length three with Maximum Product | Amazon Apple Cisco Citadel Facebook Intuit Uber | array |
Medium | Elements Appear more than N/K times in Array | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft | array |
Medium | Find the Peak Element from an Array | Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance DE Shaw Facebook Google Microsoft Uber Walmart Labs | array |
Easy | Rearrange Positive and Negative Numbers Alternatively in Array | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Capital One Cisco Facebook Google Morgan Stanley Oracle VMware | array |
Easy | Find the Maximum Repeating Number in Array | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Citadel eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Intuit Microsoft Nutanix PayPal Salesforce VMware Yahoo | array |
Medium | Tug of War | Accolite Amazon | array |
Medium | First Circular Tour to Visit all the Petrol Bunks | Amazon Factset Microsoft Morgan Stanley Zoho | array |
Medium | Count Possible Triangles | Amazon LinkedIn Wipro | array |
Medium | Maximum Circular Subarray Sum | Amazon Facebook LinkedIn Two Sigma Uber | array |
Medium | Four Elements that Sum to Given | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft Yahoo | array |
Medium | Maximum Length of Chain Pairs | Amazon Bloomberg Uber | array |
Easy | Find Pair with Given Difference | Amazon Bloomberg Citrix Expedia Goldman Sachs Microsoft Nvidia Oracle Salesforce Twilio Twitter Visa VMware | array |
Medium | Partition Problem | Accolite Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Microsoft VMware Yahoo | array |
Medium | The Celebrity Problem | Amazon Apple Fab Facebook Flipkart Google LinkedIn Microsoft Nvidia Palantir Technologies Pinterest Snapchat Uber UHG Optum VMware Zoho | array |
Medium | Find a Sorted Subsequence of size 3 | Amazon Bloomberg Facebook Factset Google Oracle Uber Yahoo | array |
Medium | Subarray with Given Sum | Adobe Amazon American Express Apple Bloomberg ByteDance eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google LinkedIn Microsoft Oracle Twilio Uber Yahoo Yandex | array |
Medium | Maximum Element in an Array which is Increasing and then Decreasing | Adobe Amazon Goldman Sachs Microsoft Paytm | array |
Easy | Count Minimum Steps to Get the given Array | Amazon Fanatics Oracle | array |
Easy | Find the Lost Element From a Duplicated Array | Accolite Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Capital One Cisco eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google IBM JP Morgan Microsoft Nvidia Oracle PayPal ServiceNow Yandex | array |
Easy | Rearrange given Array in Maximum Minimum Form | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Capital One Cisco Facebook Google Morgan Stanley Oracle VMware | array |
Medium | Subarray and Subsequence | Amazon Apple Facebook Google Microsoft | array |
Medium | Merge Two Sorted Arrays | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google IBM LinkedIn lyft Microsoft Oracle Uber VMware Walmart Labs Yahoo Yandex | array |
Medium | Count of Triplets With Sum Less than Given Value | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco Citadel Citrix DoorDash eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Hulu IBM Infosys Mathworks Microsoft Oracle PayPal Qualtrics Samsung ServiceNow Splunk Square Tencent Tesla Uber Visa VMware Walmart Labs Yahoo Zoho | array |
Easy | Reorder Array Using Given Indexes | Google | array |
Easy | Next Greater Element in an Array | Amazon Apple Bloomberg CouponDunia Facebook Google Microsoft Oracle PayU Samsung Snapdeal Twitter Zoho | array |
Easy | Merging Two Sorted Arrays | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google IBM LinkedIn lyft Microsoft Oracle Uber VMware Walmart Labs Yahoo Yandex | array |
Easy | Reorder an Array According to the Given Indexes | Google | array |
Easy | Find a Fixed Point in a Given Array | Amazon Factset Hike Uber | array |
Easy | Find Element Using Binary Search in Sorted Array | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google Microsoft PayPal | array |
Medium | Find Triplet in Array With a Given Sum | Accolite Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Cisco Citadel Citrix DoorDash eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Hulu IBM Infosys Mathworks Microsoft Morgan Stanley Oracle PayPal Qualtrics Samsung ServiceNow Splunk Square Tencent Tesla Uber Visa VMware Walmart Labs Yahoo Zoho | array |
Easy | Check if the Elements of an Array are Consecutive | Google Uber | array |
Easy | Find Duplicates in an Array in Most Efficient Way | Amazon Apple Bloomberg Facebook Google lyft Microsoft Paytm Pocket Gems Qualcomm Zoho | array |
Easy | Sort 0s 1s and 2s in an Array | Adobe Amazon Hike MakeMyTrip MAQ Microsoft Morgan Stanley Ola Cabs Paytm Qualcomm SAP Labs Snapdeal Walmart Labs Yatra | array |
Easy | Find Leaders in an Array | Amazon Goldman Sachs PayU | array |
Hard | Smallest Positive Number Missing in an Unsorted Array | Accolite Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Databricks eBay Facebook Factset Goldman Sachs Google JP Morgan Microsoft Morgan Stanley Oracle Salesforce Samsung Snapdeal Tencent Tesla Twitch Uber Walmart Labs | array |
Easy | Find K Length Subarray of Maximum Average | Amazon Google | array |
Medium | Find Pythagorean Triplets from Array | Amazon LinkedIn MakeMyTrip Myntra Oracle | array |
Easy | Move All the Zeros to the End of the Given Array | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Capital One Cisco Dell eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google IBM LinkedIn Microsoft Nutanix Oracle PayPal Paytm Qualcomm Samsung SAP Labs ServiceNow Splunk Tesla Uber Walmart Labs Yahoo Yandex Zillow | array |
Medium | Find Minimum Distance Between Two Numbers in an Array | Amazon Paytm Uber | array |
| Rotate Image by 90 degrees | | array |
Easy | Count Number of Occurrences in a Sorted Array | Airbnb Amazon Apple Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook Flipkart Google LinkedIn MakeMyTrip Microsoft Netflix Oracle Twitter Uber Yandex | array |
Medium | Maximum Sum of Non Consecutive Elements | Accolite Amazon American Express Facebook Google Oxigen Wallet OYO Rooms Paytm Snapchat Walmart Labs Yahoo | array |
Easy | Find Smallest Missing Number in a Sorted Array | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Capital One Cisco eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google IBM JP Morgan Microsoft Nvidia Oracle PayPal ServiceNow Yandex | array |
Easy | First Repeating Element | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Citadel eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Intuit Microsoft Nutanix Oracle PayPal Salesforce Yahoo | array |
Easy | Multiplication of Previous and Next | Accenture Accolite Adobe Factset UHG Optum | array |
Medium | A Product Array Puzzle | Accolite Adobe Amazon Apple Asana BlackRock Bloomberg ByteDance Citadel DE Shaw eBay Evernote Expedia Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Intel LinkedIn lyft Microsoft Morgan Stanley Nutanix Opera Oracle PayPal Paytm Qualtrics Salesforce SAP ServiceNow Snapchat Splunk Twitter Uber Visa VMware Walmart Labs Yahoo Yandex | array |
Easy | Find All Pairs With a Given Difference | Amazon Bloomberg Citrix Expedia Goldman Sachs Microsoft Nvidia Oracle Salesforce Twilio Twitter Visa VMware | array |
Easy | Find all Common Elements in Given Three Sorted Arrays | MAQ | array |
Easy | Find the first Repeating Number in a Given Array | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Citadel eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google Intuit Microsoft Nutanix Oracle PayPal Salesforce Yahoo | array |
Easy | Print All Distinct Elements of the Array | Adobe Factset MAQ o9 solutions TCS | array |
Easy | Maximum difference between two elements such as larger element comes after smaller | Amazon Hike MakeMyTrip Ola Cabs SAP Labs | array |
Easy | Majority Element | Adobe Amazon Apple Atlassian Bloomberg ByteDance Facebook GoDaddy Google Microsoft Oracle Snapchat Splunk Yahoo | array |
Easy | Find the First and Second Smallest Elements | Amazon MAQ o9 solutions TCS | array |
Easy | Find the Number Occurring Odd Number of Times in an Array | Amazon o9 solutions Snapdeal TCS | array |
Medium | Sort Elements by Frequency of Occurrences | Amazon Oracle Zoho Zycus | array |
Easy | Find the Missing Number | Adobe Amazon Apple Bloomberg Capital One Cisco eBay Facebook Goldman Sachs Google IBM Microsoft Nvidia Oracle PayPal ServiceNow Yandex | array |
| Find Nearest Greater and Smaller Element | | array |
| Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray | | array |
| Reverse an Array | | array |
| Find a Triplet That Sum to a Given Value | | array |
| Find elements pair from array whose sum equal to number | | array |