Graph Cloning

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Breadth First Search Depth First Search GraphViews 1922

What is Graph Cloning?

Today we have with us a reference to an undirected graph. What do we have to do? Returning a deep copy of the provided graph.

Let us look at the structure:

The Class Node:

It consists of the data value and the neighbors associated with each object of this class. There are a few methods as well to create objects/new nodes accordingly.

class Node {
    public int val;
    public List<Node> neighbors;
    public Node() {
        val = 0;
        neighbors = new ArrayList<Node>();
    public Node(int _val) {
        val = _val;
        neighbors = new ArrayList<Node>();
    public Node(int _val, ArrayList<Node> _neighbors) {
        val = _val;
        neighbors = _neighbors;

The node given to us will always be the root node. Returning a reference/copy to the root will help us return the clone of the graph we have been provided with.

Sample test case:

A sample graph
A sample graph

Input    :  [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5],[1,2]]

Output :  [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5],[1,2]]

The clone should look something like

A deep copy of the graph
A deep copy of the graph

i.e consisting of the copy of the nodes which have the same values.

Disclaimer: Do not return the same graph


Using Breadth-First Search and HashMap

We can traverse through using BFS and maintain a HashMap for keeping a mapping of the original and the clone nodes.


  • Create a hashmap
  • Add the root node and the copy to the hashmap
  • Put the root node to the stack
  • Traverse through the neighbours and keep repeating the above process
  • Add the neighbours for each node
  • Keep repeating the above process until the queue gets empty

For more reference lookup BFS: Breadth-First Search (BFS) for a Graph(Opens in a new browser tab)

Here is a simple image to illustrate the above process

Image showing the process for Graph illustrated
Image showing the process for Graph illustrated

Now that we have got a basic idea of how to do stuff let us get into the code

Java Program for Graph Cloning

class Solution 
    public Node cloneGraph(Node node) 
         return null;
     //Creating a Queue for BFS
     Queue<Node>store=new LinkedList<Node>();
     //Adding the root node
     //Creating a hashmap of nodes and copies
     HashMap<Node,Node>hash=new HashMap<Node,Node>();
     hash.put(node,new Node(node.val));
     //Firing up the BFS!
         Node cur=store.poll();
         for(Node neigh:cur.neighbors)
             hash.put(neigh,new Node(neigh.val));
             //Adding the neighbours to the duplicate nodes

C++ Program for Graph Cloning

class Solution 
    Node* cloneGraph(Node* node)
         return NULL;
     //Creating a Queue for BFS
     //Adding the root node
     //Creating a hashmap of nodes and copies
     hash[node]=new Node(node->val,{});
     //Firing up the BFS!
         Node* cur=store.front();
         for(Node* neigh:cur->neighbors)
             hash[neigh]=new Node(neigh->val,{});
             //Adding the neighbours to the duplicate nodes

Complexity Analysis

Time complexity=O(V+E)

Space complexity=O(n)

V=Number of Vertices

E=Number of Edges

How did the time and space complexity end up to this?

  • We have in the code a loop emptying the queue that runs over V times. In the loop
    • We remove data from the queue=O(1) operation
    • Traverse all the neighbour edges to get the clones=O(Adj)
    • Add neighbours=O(1) operation
  • Summing up the complexity=V*(O(1)+O(Adj)+O(1))
  • Which boils down to O(V)+O(V*Adj)
  • Making the time complexity=O(V+E)
  • The space complexity is O(n) as all we needed was a queue


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