Decode Ways

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In Decode Ways problem we have given a non-empty string containing only digits, determine the total number of ways to decode it using the following mapping:

'A' -> 1

'B' -> 2


'Z' -> 26


S = “123”

Number of ways to decode this string is 3

Decode Ways

If we look closely at the problem then we can observe that all the one-digit number except 0 are valid but in case of two-digit number only numbers from 10 to 26 are valid.

Hence we can conclude that at every index we have two steps:

1. If the ith element of a string is not ‘0’ then we have one way to decode the string starting with ith index using the mapping:

'A' -> 1

'B' -> 2


'I' -> 9

2. If we can merge the ith and (i+1)th index together to form a valid number using the following mapping:

'J' -> 10

'K' -> 11


'Z' -> 26

Then we have one more way to decode the string starting with ith index.

Algorithm for Decode Ways

Step 1: Declare and initialize a 1D array of size n with zero.

Step 2: Check if we can decode the string which starts and ends both at (n-1)th index( Base case ).

Step 3: Run a loop and check at every step if we can use the ith index element as one digit valid number or merge it with (i+1)th index element to form a valid number of two digit.

  1. If s[i]!=’0’, then dp[i]+=dp[i+1]
  2. If s[i]==’1’, then dp[i]+=dp[i+2]
  3. If s[i]==’2’ and s[i+1]<=’6’, then dp[i]+=dp[i+2]

Step 4: Return dp[0].


C++ program for Decode Ways

using namespace std;
int numDecodings(string s) {
    int n=s.length();
    int dp[n+1];
    if(s[n-1]!='0'){       //if the last chararcter is not zero then we have one way to decode it
    for(int i=n-2;i>=0;i--){
    return dp[0];
int main(){
    string s="452625";
    cout<<"The number of ways to decode the given string is: "<<numDecodings(s);
The number of ways to decode the given string is: 4

JAVA program for Decode Ways

public class Main
    public static int numDecodings(String s) {
        int n=s.length();
        int[] dp=new int[n+1];
        if(s.charAt(n-1)!='0'){       //if the last chararcter is not zero then we have one way to decode it
        for(int i=n-2;i>=0;i--){
        return dp[0];
  public static void main(String[] args) {
      String s="23572";
    System.out.println("The number of ways to decode the given string is: "+numDecodings(s));
The number of ways to decode the given string is: 2

Complexity Analysis for Decode Ways

Time complexity: O(n) where n is the length of the given string.

We are traversing the given string only once hence the complexity is O(n)

Space complexity: O(n) because we store the number of ways at each step in dp array which leads us to linear space complexity.


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