1`s and 2`s complement of binary number

For the given binary number, print its 1`s and 2`s complement.

1`s complement of a binary is another binary with all its bits changed from 1 to 0 and 0 to 1.
2`s complement is 1 added to the 1`s complement of the binary number.


a) Input : 1010

    Output : 1`s complement is 0101
2`s complement is 0110

b) Input : 1001

Output : 1`s complement is 0110
2`s complementis 0111

Time complexity : O(n)


1. Create a function flip which changes character to 0 if its 1 and 1 if its 0.

2. For 1`s complement,

a. Traverse the binary string.
   b. For every character flip the string and add all of them.

3. For 2`s complement,

a. Traverse the 1`s complement.
b. If we get 1, we make them 0, keep going left.
c. If we get 0, make it 1 and end loop and return.

4. Print final 1`s complement and 2`s complement.

C++ Program

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;
//Function return '0' if '1', else return '0'  
char flip(char c)
    if (c == '0')
        return '1';
        return '0';

// Print 1's and 2's complement of binary number
// represented by "binary_string"
void PrintComplements(string binary_string)
    int n = binary_string.length();
    string ones, twos;
    int i;
    ones = twos = "";
    //For 1`s complement flip all bits
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        ones += flip(binary_string[i]);
    //2`s complement
    int k;
    twos = ones;
    for (k = n - 1;k >= 0;k--)
        if (ones[k] == '1')//If its 1, make it 0 and move forward
            twos[k] = '0';
        else//If its 0, make it 1 and end loop
            twos[k] = '1';
    //If no break, add one more one. 
    //Case: Adding 1 to 111 --> 1 + 111 = 1000 
    if(k == -1)
        twos = '1' + twos;
    cout<<"1's complement is: "<<ones<<endl;
    cout<<"2's complement is: "<<twos<<endl;
//Main function
int main()
    string binary_string = "1001";
    cout<<"Input binary string is: "<<binary_string<<endl;
    return 0;

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