Most repeating character in a string

StringViews 3931

In the given string find the maximum occurring character

Maximum occurring character: character which is coming more number of times. (Case sensitivity is present, “D” and “d” are not the same.)

Note: If there are more than one character repeated more than once then it prints the first most repeated character.


a)    Input string = “sachin”

count of ‘s’ = 1
count of ‘a’ = 1
count of ‘c’ = 1
count of ‘h’ = 1
count of ‘i’ = 1
count of ‘n’ = 1

Therefore, Print “No element is repeated”

b)    Input string = “Hello”

count of ‘H’ = 1
count of ‘e’ = 1
count of ‘l’ = 2
count of ‘o’ = 1

Therefore, Print “Most repeated element is l and it occurred 2 times”

c)    Input string = “saAchin”

count of ‘s’ = 1
count of ‘a’ = 1
count of ‘A’ = 1
count of ‘c’ = 1
count of ‘h’ = 1
count of ‘i’ = 1
count of ‘n’ = 1

Therefore, Print “No element is repeated”

d)    Input string = “ccaab”

count of ‘c’ = 2
count of ‘a’ = 2
count of ‘b’ = 1
count of c and a is same but c is coming first so, it prints c.

Therefore, Print “Most repeating element is c”


Time Complexity : O(n)
Space Complexity : O(1)

Step 1 : Create an array of size 256 with all zeroes. (256 ASCII characters)

Step 2 : Each element in the array is the count of the character with the ASCII value as index in the array. (ASCII value as key)

Step 3 : Increment count whenever we found a character at the index of its ASCII value in the index.

a)    Traverse the whole string.
b)    Update count. If “a” comes array[96] = array[96] + 1 (96 is ASCII value of a)

Step 4 : Initialize max_occurrence= INT_MIN, and find the max_occurrence in the array (max_occurrence comes for character with maximum count) by running a loop and comparing with elements in the array.

Step 5 : Finally print the character with max_occurrence(maximum count)and print the max_occurrence.

Algorithm working

C++ Program

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define NO_OF_CHARS 256
int main()
	string s; //a string
	int arr[NO_OF_CHARS] = {0}; // stores the count of each character in the string
	for(int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) //treat element's ASCII value as key and i?ncrement the count
	int max_occurence = INT_MIN; //store the maximum occurence of a character 
	char most_repeated; //final most repeating character
	for(int i=0; i<s.size(); i++)
			if(arr[s[i]] > max_occurence) //update the maximum repeating character
					most_repeated = s[i];	
					max_occurence = arr[s[i]];
	cout<<"Most repeating character is "<<" ' "<<most_repeated<<" ' "<<" repeating " <<max_occurence<<" times\n";
	return 0;
	else if(max_occurence = 1)
	cout<<"No character is repeated\n";	

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