Table of Contents
Problem Statement
Kill Process LeetCode Solution – You have n
processes forming a rooted tree structure. You are given two integer arrays pid
and ppid
, where pid[i]
is the ID of the i
th process and ppid[i]
is the ID of the i
th process’s parent process.
Each process has only one parent process but may have multiple children processes. Only one process has ppid[i] = 0
, which means this process has no parent process (the root of the tree).
When a process is killed, all of its children processes will also be killed.
Given an integer kill
representing the ID of a process you want to kill, return a list of the IDs of the processes that will be killed. You may return the answer in any order.
Input: pid = [1,3,10,5], ppid = [3,0,5,3], kill = 5 Output: [5,10] Explanation: The processes colored in red are the processes that should be killed.
we can use a hashmap that stores a particular process value and the list of its direct children.
And then treat it as a tree traversal problem. (BFS/DFS)
Construct an adjacency list that maintains the child process linked to that process. Run BFS by starting with the process to be killed. Store all the processes that are killed
C++ Code for Kill Process
class Solution { public: vector<int> killProcess(vector<int>& pid, vector<int>& ppid, int kill) { vector<int> killed; map<int, set<int>> children; for (int i = 0; i < pid.size(); i++) { children[ppid[i]].insert(pid[i]); } killAll(kill, children, killed); return killed; } private: void killAll(int pid, map<int, set<int>>& children, vector<int>& killed) { killed.push_back(pid); for (int child : children[pid]) { killAll(child, children, killed); } } };
Java Code for Kill Process
public class Solution { public List<Integer> killProcess(List<Integer> pid, List<Integer> ppid, int kill) { if (kill == 0) return pid; int n = pid.size(); Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> tree = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { tree.put(pid.get(i), new HashSet<Integer>()); } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (tree.containsKey(ppid.get(i))) { Set<Integer> children = tree.get(ppid.get(i)); children.add(pid.get(i)); tree.put(ppid.get(i), children); } } List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>(); traverse(tree, result, kill); return result; } private void traverse(Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> tree, List<Integer> result, int pid) { result.add(pid); Set<Integer> children = tree.get(pid); for (Integer child : children) { traverse(tree, result, child); } } }
Python Code for Kill Process
class Solution(object): def killProcess(self, pid, ppid, kill): """ :type pid: List[int] :type ppid: List[int] :type kill: int :rtype: List[int] """ myTree = dict() for i, parent in enumerate(ppid): myTree[parent] = myTree.get(parent,[]) myTree[parent].append(pid[i]) res = [] stack = [kill] while stack: cur = stack.pop() res.append(cur) stack.extend(myTree.get(cur,[])) return res
Complexity Analysis for Kill Process LeetCode Solution
Time Complexity
O(n+e) since we are doing a bfs traversal.
Space Complexity
O(n) since we store the nodes in a stack/ array.