Letter Combinations of a Phone Number

In letter combinations of a phone number problem, we have given a string containing numbers from 2 to 9. The problem is to find all the possible combinations that could be represented by that number if every number has some letters assigned to it. The assignment of the number is …

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Validate Binary Search Tree

Problem In Validate Binary Search Tree problem we have given the root of a tree, we have to check if it is a binary search tree or not. Example : Output: true Explanation: The given tree is a binary search tree because all elements which are left to each subtree …

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Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence

Problem Statement In the “Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence” problem we have given an array. Find the sum of the maximum subsequence of the given array, that is the integers in the subsequence are in sorted order. A subsequence is a part of an array which is a sequence that is …

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