Validate Binary Search Tree

Problem In Validate Binary Search Tree problem we have given the root of a tree, we have to check if it is a binary search tree or not. Example : Output: true Explanation: The given tree is a binary search tree because all elements which are left to each subtree …

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LRU Cache Implementation

Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache is a type of method which is used to maintain the data such that the time required to use the data is the minimum possible. LRU algorithm used when the cache is full. We remove the least recently used data from the cache memory of …

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Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree

We have given a binary tree containing N number of nodes where each node has some value. We need to serialize and deserialize the binary tree. Serialize The process of storing a tree in a file without disturbing its structure is called serialization. DeserializeSerialize and Deserialize Binary Tree The process …

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Check if all Rows of a Matrix are Circular Rotations of Each Other

Problem Statement In the “Check if all Rows of a Matrix are Circular Rotations of Each Other” problem we have given a char matrix, write a program to find whether all rows are circular rotations of each other or not. If all rows are circular rotations of each other print …

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Length of Longest valid Substring

Problem Statement In the “Length of Longest valid Substring” we have given a string that contains the opening and closing parenthesis only. Write a program that will find the longest valid parenthesis substring. Input Format The first and only one line containing a string s. Output Format The first and …

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Increasing Subsequence of Length three with Maximum Product

Problem Statement In the “Increasing Subsequence of Length three with Maximum Product” problem, we have given an array of positive integers. Find the subsequence of length 3 with the maximum product. Subsequence should be increasing. Input Format The first and only one line containing an integer N denoting the size …

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Find the Maximum Repeating Number in Array

Problem Statement In the “Find the Maximum Repeating Number in Array” problem we have given an unsorted array of size N. Given array contains numbers in range {0, k} where k <= N. Find the number that is coming the maximum number of times in the array. Input Format The …

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Count of Triplets With Sum Less than Given Value

Problem Statement We have given an array containing N number of elements. In the given array, Count the number of triplets with a sum less than the given value. Example Input a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} Sum = 10 Output 7 Possible triplets are : …

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Find Triplet in Array With a Given Sum

Problem Statement Given an array of integers, find the combination of three elements in the array whose sum is equal to a given value X. Here we will print the first combination that we get. If there is no such combination then print -1. Example Input N=5, X=15 arr[] = …

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First Repeating Element

Problem Statement We have given an array that contains n integers. We have to find the first repeating element in the given array. If there is no repeated element then print “No repeating integer found”. Note: Repeating elements are those elements that come more than once. (Array may contain duplicates) …

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