Infix to Postfix

What is an infix expression? Expression in the form of ‘operand’ ‘operator’ ‘operand’ is called infix expression. Example:  a+b What is postfix expression? Expression in the form of ‘operand’ ‘operand’ ‘operator’ is called postfix expression. Example:  ab+ What is the need of infix to postfix conversion? Infix expression is easy …

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Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree

We have given a binary tree containing N number of nodes where each node has some value. We need to serialize and deserialize the binary tree. Serialize The process of storing a tree in a file without disturbing its structure is called serialization. DeserializeSerialize and Deserialize Binary Tree The process …

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Longest Common Prefix using Character by Character Matching

Problem Statement In the “Longest Common Prefix using Character by Character Matching” problem we have given an integer value N and N strings. Write a program to find the longest common prefix of the given strings. Input Format The first line containing an integer value N which denotes the number …

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Length of Longest valid Substring

Problem Statement In the “Length of Longest valid Substring” we have given a string that contains the opening and closing parenthesis only. Write a program that will find the longest valid parenthesis substring. Input Format The first and only one line containing a string s. Output Format The first and …

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