Check if all Rows of a Matrix are Circular Rotations of Each Other

Problem Statement In the “Check if all Rows of a Matrix are Circular Rotations of Each Other” problem we have given a char matrix, write a program to find whether all rows are circular rotations of each other or not. If all rows are circular rotations of each other print …

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Find the point where a monotonically increasing function becomes positive first time

Problem Statement In the “Find the point where a monotonically increasing function becomes positive first time” we have given a function “int f(unsigned int x)” which takes a non-negative integer ‘x’ as input and returns an integer as output. The function is monotonically increasing with respect to the value of x, i.e., the …

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Find the Peak Element from an Array

Problem Statement In the “Find the Peak Element from an Array” problem we have given an input array of integers. Find a peak element. In an array, an element is a peak element, if the element is greater than both the neighbours. For corner elements, we can consider the only …

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Find Pair with Given Difference

Problem Statement In the given unsorted array, find the pair of elements in the given array with given difference n. Example Input arr[] = {120, 30, 70, 20, 5, 6}, difference(n) = 40 Output [30, 70] Explanation Here the difference of 30 and 70 is equal to the value of …

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First Repeating Element

Problem Statement We have given an array that contains n integers. We have to find the first repeating element in the given array. If there is no repeated element then print “No repeating integer found”. Note: Repeating elements are those elements that come more than once. (Array may contain duplicates) …

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Find the first Repeating Number in a Given Array

Problem Statement There can be multiple repeating numbers in an array but you have to find the first repeating number in a given array (occurring the second time). Example Input 12 5 4 2 8 9 7 12 5 6 12 4 7 Output 5 is the first repeating element …

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