Isomorphic Strings Leetcode Solution

Problem Statement In this problem, we are given two strings, a and b. Our goal is to tell whether the two strings are isomorphic or not. Two strings are called isomorphic if and only if the characters in the first string can be replaced by any character(including itself) at all …

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Decrypt String from Alphabet to Integer Mapping Leetcode Solution

Problem Statement In this problem, we are given a string containing digits (0-9) and ‘#’. We have to convert this string to a string of lowercase english letters by using the following mapping. Example s = “10#11#12” “jkab” Explanation: “10#” -> “j” , “11#” -> “k” , “1” -> “a” …

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Largest Substring Between Two Equal Characters Leetcode Solution

The problem Largest Substring Between Two Equal Characters Leetcode Solution, asks us to find the length of the largest substring. Here, a condition is imposed on the substring. The substring should be between the same characters. So, the string must contain at least two equal characters so that the output …

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