Fab is an e-commerce company founded in 2010. Once estimated at a worth of over $1 billion, in March 2015, the digital and e-commerce assets of Fab were acquired by PCH International for an undisclosed sum and have since been relaunched as a new entity with no interaction from the original founders.
It has got a 3.6* rating on Glassdoor and is considered one of the best product-based companies. It is highly regarded for its work-life balance.
They provide good training as well which will be beneficial in future too. You can practice the below questions collected from Fab Interview Experience for the interview. We have collected past frequently asked questions from Fab Interview Experience for your reference.
Categories of Questions
Fab Array Questions
Question 1. Segregate 0s and 1s in an Array Problem Statement Suppose you have an integer array. The problem “Segregate 0s and 1s in an array” asks to segregate the array in two parts, in 0s and in 1s. The 0’s should be on the left side of the array and 1’s on the right side of the array. ...
Question 2. Difference between highest and least frequencies in an array The problem “Difference between highest and least frequencies in an array” states that suppose that you have an integer array. The problem statement asks to find out the maximum difference between the highest frequency and lowest frequency of two distinct numbers in an array. Example arr[] = {1, 2, 3, ...
Question 3. k-th missing element in increasing sequence which is not present in a given sequence The problem “k-th missing element in increasing sequence which is not present in a given sequence” states that you are given two arrays. One of them is arranged in ascending order and another normal unsorted array with number k. Find the kth missing element which is not present in normal ...
Question 4. Check in binary array the number represented by a subarray is odd or even The problem “Check in binary array the number represented by a subarray is odd or even” states that you are given a binary array and a range. The array consists of the number in the form of 0s and 1s. The problem statement asks to find out the number represented ...
Question 5. Three way partitioning of an array around a given range Problem Statement You are given an array of integers and a range of lowValue and highValue. The problem “Three way partitioning of an array around a given range” asks to partition the array such that array will be divided into three parts. The partitions of the arrays will be: Elements ...
Question 6. Find a sorted subsequence of size 3 in linear time Problem Statement The problem “Find a sorted subsequence of size 3 in linear time” states that you have an integer array. The problem statement asks to find out the three numbers in such a way that array[i] < array [k] < array[k], and i < j < k. Example arr[] ...
Question 7. Count subarrays having total distinct elements same as original array Problem Statement “Count subarrays having total distinct elements same as original array” states that you are given an integer array. The problem statement asks to find out the total number of sub-arrays that contain all distinct elements as present in an original array. Example arr[] = {2, 1, 3, 2, ...
Question 8. Collect maximum points in a grid using two traversals Problem Statement We are given a matrix of size “n x m”, and we need to collect maximum points in a grid using two traversals. If we are standing at cell i,j then we have three options to go to cell i+1, j or i+1, j-1or i+1, j+1. That is ...
Question 9. Find the smallest positive integer value that cannot be represented as sum of any subset of a given array Problem Statement You are given a sorted array of integers. We need to find the smallest positive integer value that cannot be represented as sum of any subset of a given array. Example arr[] = {1,4,7,8,10} 2 Explanation: Because there is not any sub-array that can represent 2 as a ...
Question 10. The Celebrity Problem Problem Statement In the celebrity problem there is a room of N people, Find the celebrity. Conditions for Celebrity is- If A is Celebrity then Everyone else in the room should know A. A shouldn’t know anyone in the room. We need to find the person who satisfies these conditions. ...
Fab Stack Questions
Question 11. The Celebrity Problem Problem Statement In the celebrity problem there is a room of N people, Find the celebrity. Conditions for Celebrity is- If A is Celebrity then Everyone else in the room should know A. A shouldn’t know anyone in the room. We need to find the person who satisfies these conditions. ...
Fab Matrix Questions
Question 12. Collect maximum points in a grid using two traversals Problem Statement We are given a matrix of size “n x m”, and we need to collect maximum points in a grid using two traversals. If we are standing at cell i,j then we have three options to go to cell i+1, j or i+1, j-1or i+1, j+1. That is ...
Question 13. The Celebrity Problem Problem Statement In the celebrity problem there is a room of N people, Find the celebrity. Conditions for Celebrity is- If A is Celebrity then Everyone else in the room should know A. A shouldn’t know anyone in the room. We need to find the person who satisfies these conditions. ...