Infosys Interview ExperienceTop infosys interview questionsS.NoInterview QuestionNumber of times candidates experienced this question in interviews1Palindrome using Recursion137532Palindrome Number LeetCode Solution113013Longest Palindromic Substring LeetCode Solution93244Candy LeetCode Solution75365Binary Search LeetCode Solution72566Reverse Integer Leetcode Solution62947Fibonacci Number LeetCode Solution56428OSI Model56319Find Triplet in Array With a Given Sum469810Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 LeetCode Solution426911Most Frequent Element in an Array414912Implement a stack using single queue411513Count of Triplets With Sum Less than Given Value375814Recursion365915LRU Cache Leetcode Solution352516Reverse a stack without using extra space in O(n)337817Priority Queue in C++332618Fibonacci numbers321819Tracking current Maximum Element in a Stack321020Dynamic Programming Basics308621Top K Frequent Words287122Types of Binary Tree285323Depth First Search (DFS) for a Graph276124Reverse a String264725Circular Queue262026Score of Parenthesis LeetCode Solution251827BFS vs DFS for Binary Tree244828Binary Tree Data Structure234329Remove Extra Spaces from a String213430Valid Palindrome2057