Top myntra interview questions
S.No | Interview Question | Number of times candidates experienced this question in interviews |
1 | Set Matrix Zeroes Leetcode Solution | 5537 |
2 | Minimum Operations to convert X to Y | 4521 |
3 | Word Wrap Problem | 4212 |
4 | Implement Stack and Queue using Deque | 3679 |
5 | Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum LeetCode Solution | 3363 |
6 | Find Pythagorean Triplets from Array | 3328 |
7 | Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix LeetCode Solution | 3229 |
8 | Find Number of Employees Under every Employee | 2546 |
9 | Subset with sum divisible by m | 2408 |
10 | Maximum Product Subarray | 2037 |
11 | Count Subsets Having Distinct Even Numbers | 1469 |