Search in Rotated Sorted Array Leetcode Solution

Consider a sorted array but one index was picked and the array was rotated at that point. Now, once the array has been rotated you are required to find a particular target element and return its index. In case, the element is not present, return -1. The problem is generally …

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Search Insert Position Leetcode Solution

In this problem, we are given a sorted array and a target integer. We have to find its Search Insert Position. If the target value is present in the array, return its index. Return the index at which the target should be inserted so as to keep the order sorted(in …

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Longest Repeated Subsequence

The problem “Longest Repeated Subsequence” states that you are given a string as an input. Find out the longest repeated subsequence, that is the subsequence that exists twice in the string. Example aeafbdfdg 3 (afd) Approach The problem asks us to find out the longest repeated subsequence in the string. …

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