Binary Tree zigzag level order Traversal

Given a binary tree, print the zigzag level order traversal of its node values. (ie, from left to right, then right to left for the next level and alternate between). Example consider the binary tree given below Below is the zigzag level order traversal of the above binary tree Types …

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Longest Common Prefix using Sorting

In the Longest Common Prefix using Sorting problem we have given a set of strings, find the longest common prefix. i.e. find the prefix part that is common to all the strings. Example Input1: {“tutorialcup”, “tutorial”, “tussle”, “tumble”} Output: “tu” Input2: {“baggage”, “banana”, “batsmen”} Output: “ba” Input3: {“abcd”} Output: “abcd” …

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Merging Intervals

In merging intervals problem we have given a set of intervals of the form [l, r], merge the overlapping intervals. Examples Input {[1, 3], [2, 6], [8, 10], [15, 18]} Output {[1, 6], [8, 10], [15, 18]} Input {[1, 4], [1, 5]} Output {[1, 5]} Naive Approach for merging intervals …

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Word Break

Word Break is a problem that beautifully illustrates a whole new concept. We have all heard of compound words. Words made up of more than two words. Today we have a list of words and all we’ve got to do is check if all the words from the dictionary can …

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Regular Expression Matching

In the Regular Expression Matching problem we have given two strings one (let’s assume it x) consists of only lower case alphabets and second (let’s assume it y) consists of lower case alphabets with two special characters i.e, “.” and “*”. The task is to find whether the second string …

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Longest Common Prefix using Trie

In the Longest Common Prefix using Trie problem we have given a set of strings, find the longest common prefix. i.e. find the prefix part that is common to all the strings. Example Input1: {“tutorialcup”, “tutorial”, “tussle”, “tumble”} Output: “tu” Input2: {“baggage”, “banana”, “batsmen”} Output: “ba” Input3: {“abcd”} Output: “abcd” …

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LRU Cache Implementation

Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache is a type of method which is used to maintain the data such that the time required to use the data is the minimum possible. LRU algorithm used when the cache is full. We remove the least recently used data from the cache memory of …

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