Add and Search Word – Data structure design LeetCode

The problem “Add and Search Word – Data structure design LeetCode” asks us to create or design a new data structure. Such that which can be used for adding or storing a word and searching the words where the search function can search even a regular expression from the word. …

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Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown Leetcode Solution

Problem statement In the problem “Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown” we are given an array where each element in the array contains the price of the given stock on that day. There is no restriction on the number of transactions. The definition of the transaction is …

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Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence Leetcode Solution

Problem statement In the problem ” Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence” we are given an array, now we need to answer if it is possible to generate an Arithmetic Progression by rearranging the sequence. Example arr = [3,1,5] true Explanation: We can rearrange the array as{1,3,5} which forms an …

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Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock  II Leetcode Solution

Problem statement In the problem “Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock  II,” we are given an array where each element in the array contains the price of the given stock on that day. The definition of the transaction is buying one share of stock and selling that one share …

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Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee Leetcode Solution

Problem statement In the problem “Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee,” we are given an array where each element in the array contains the price of the given stock on that day. The definition of the transaction is buying one share of stock and selling that …

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