Top avalara interview questions
S.No | Interview Question | Number of times candidates experienced this question in interviews |
1 | Prefix to Infix Conversion | 5649 |
2 | Printing brackets in Matrix Chain Multiplication Problem | 4833 |
3 | Check if a given array contains duplicate elements within k distance from each other | 3589 |
4 | Longest subsequence such that difference between adjacents is one | 3487 |
5 | Find a sorted subsequence of size 3 in linear time | 3185 |
6 | Rearrange array such that even index elements are smaller and odd index elements are greater | 3018 |
7 | Longest Repeated Subsequence | 2877 |
8 | Pair with given product | 2662 |
9 | Iterative Depth First Traversal of Graph | 2364 |
10 | Count pairs from two linked lists whose sum is equal to a given value | 2279 |
11 | Priority Queue | 1754 |