PayU Interview ExperienceTop payu interview questionsS.NoInterview QuestionNumber of times candidates experienced this question in interviews1Maximum occurring character in a string194712Next Permutation Leetcode Solution89533Rabin Karp Algorithm70104First element occurring k times in an array59305KMP Algorithm56096Length of the largest subarray with contiguous elements54997Find Leaders in an Array48358Maximum possible difference of two subsets of an array47789Minimum number of distinct elements after removing m items477610Reverse words in a string449111Word Wrap Problem421212Next Permutation LeetCode Solution382413Maximum path sum in a triangle364914Queries for counts of array elements with values in given range359515Gold Mine Problem342616Count pairs from two sorted arrays whose sum is equal to a given value x340717Count subarrays having total distinct elements same as original array320818Queue based approach for first non-repeating character in a stream318819Shuffle 2n integers as without using extra space291220Print Fibonacci sequence using 2 variables275221Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray271222Given a binary tree, how do you remove all the half nodes?249823Boundary Traversal of binary tree247824Subset with sum divisible by m240825Maximum subsequence sum such that no three are consecutive227926Diagonal Traversal of Binary Tree223127Next Greater Element in an Array214228Height of a generic tree from parent array212929Check in binary array the number represented by a subarray is odd or even205930Maximum Product Subarray2037