Top sprinklr interview questions
S.No | Interview Question | Number of times candidates experienced this question in interviews |
1 | Sort Colors LeetCode Solution | 6645 |
2 | Implementation of Deque using Doubly Linked List | 5823 |
3 | First non Repeating Element | 5593 |
4 | Merge k Sorted Lists Leetcode Solution | 5165 |
5 | Reversing the First K elements of a Queue | 4616 |
6 | Mobile Numeric Keypad Problem | 4066 |
7 | LRU Cache Leetcode Solution | 3525 |
8 | Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum LeetCode Solution | 3363 |
9 | Design a Stack With Increment Operation Leetcode Solution | 3021 |
10 | Height of a generic tree from parent array | 2129 |