Queries for GCD of all numbers of an array except elements in a given range

Problem Statement The “Queries for GCD of all numbers of an array except elements in a given range” problem states that you will be given an integer array and a q number of queries. Each query contains the number left and right. The problem statement asks to find out the …

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Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

Problem Statement The problem “Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock” states that you are given an array of prices of length n, where the ith element stores the price of stock on ith day. If we can make only one transaction, that is, to buy on one day and …

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Implementation of Deque using Doubly Linked List

Problem Statement The problem “Implementation of Deque using Doubly Linked List” states that you need to implement the following functions of Deque or Doubly Ended Queue using a doubly linked list, insertFront(x) : Add element x at the starting of Deque insertEnd(x) : Add element x at the end of …

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Shuffle 2n integers as a1-b1-a2-b2-a3-b3-..bn without using extra space

Problem Statement You are given an array of integers. The problem “Shuffle 2n integers as a1-b1-a2-b2-a3-b3-..bn without using extra space” asks to shuffle all the numbers in the array such that the numbers which are like (x0, x1, x2, x3, y0, y1, y2, y3) will be shuffled like x0, y0, …

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