Letter Combinations of a Phone Number

In letter combinations of a phone number problem, we have given a string containing numbers from 2 to 9. The problem is to find all the possible combinations that could be represented by that number if every number has some letters assigned to it. The assignment of the number is …

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Maximum Depth Of Binary Tree

Problem Statement “Maximum depth of binary tree” problem states that you are given a binary tree data structure. Print the maximum depth of the given binary tree. Example Input 2 Explanation: Maximum depth for the given tree is 2. Because there is only a single element below the root (i.e. …

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Palindrome Partitioning

Problem Statement Given a string, find the minimum number of cuts required such that all the substrings of partitions are palindromes. Since we are cutting our original string into different partitions such that all the substrings are palindromes, we call this problem the Palindrome Partition Problem. Example  asaaaassss 2 Explanation: …

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Binary Tree to Binary Search Tree Conversion

In binary tree to binary search tree conversion problem, we have given a binary tree convert it to Binary Search Tree without changing the structure of the tree. Example Input Output pre-order : 13 8 6 47 25 51 Algorithm We do not have to change the structure of the …

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Construct Binary Tree from Given Inorder and Preorder Traversals

In this problem, we have inorder and preorder of the binary tree. We need to construct a binary tree from the given Inorder and Preorder traversals. Example Input: Inorder= [D, B, E, A, F, C] Preorder= [A, B, D, E, C, F] Output: Pre-order traversal of the tree formed by …

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