Morris Traversal
Morris traversal is a method to traverse the nodes in a binary tree without using stack and recursion. Thus reducing the space complexity to linear. Inorder Traversal Example 9 7 1 6 4 5 3 1 / \ 2 …
Morris traversal is a method to traverse the nodes in a binary tree without using stack and recursion. Thus reducing the space complexity to linear. Inorder Traversal Example 9 7 1 6 4 5 3 1 / \ 2 …
Problem Statement The problem “Find postorder traversal of BST from preorder traversal” states that you are given preorder traversal of a binary search tree. Then using the given input find the postorder traversal. Example preorder traversal sequence: 5 2 1 3 4 7 6 8 9 1 4 3 2 …
The problem “Difference between highest and least frequencies in an array” states that suppose that you have an integer array. The problem statement asks to find out the maximum difference between the highest frequency and lowest frequency of two distinct numbers in an array. Example arr[] = {1, 2, 3, …
Problem Statement The problem “Diagonal Traversal of Binary Tree” states that you are given a binary tree and now you need to find the diagonal view for the given tree. When we see a tree from the top-right direction. The nodes which are visible to us is the diagonal view …
The problem “Longest subsequence such that difference between adjacents is one” states that you are given an integer array. Now you need to find the length of longest subsequence such that the difference of adjacent elements is 1. Example 1 2 3 4 7 5 9 4 6 Explanation As …
Problem Statement The problem “Print Fibonacci sequence using 2 variables” states that you need to print the Fibonacci sequence but there is a limitation of using only 2 variables. Example n = 5 0 1 1 2 3 5 Explanation The output sequence has the first five elements of the …
Problem Statement The problem “Implementation of Deque using Doubly Linked List” states that you need to implement the following functions of Deque or Doubly Ended Queue using a doubly linked list, insertFront(x) : Add element x at the starting of Deque insertEnd(x) : Add element x at the end of …
Problem Statement The problem “Iterative Method to find Height of Binary Tree” states that you are given a binary tree, find the height of the tree using the iterative method. Examples Input 3 Input 4 Algorithm for Iterative Method to find Height of Binary Tree The height of a tree …
Problem Statement The problem “Find the smallest binary digit multiple of given number” states that you are given a decimal number N. So find the smallest multiple of N that contains only the binary digits ‘0’ and ‘1’. Example 37 111 A detailed explanation can be found below in the …
Problem Statement The problem “Minimum Operations to convert X to Y” states that you are given two numbers X and Y, it is needed to convert X into Y using following operations: Starting number is X. Following operations can be performed on X and on the numbers that are generated …