Citrix Interview ExperienceTop citrix interview questionsS.NoInterview QuestionNumber of times candidates experienced this question in interviews1String Compression LeetCode Solution68552Decode String Leetcode Solution62473Find Pair with Given Difference57674String Compression55435Subarray with 0 sum51176Find Triplet in Array With a Given Sum47387Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence45038Group Words With Same Set of Characters43549Count of Triplets With Sum Less than Given Value378310Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram Leetcode Solutions378211LRU Cache Leetcode Solution356412Find a sorted subsequence of size 3 in linear time342013Count minimum steps to get the given desired array323514Count Substrings with equal number of 0s, 1s and 2s317015Smallest Subarray With all Occurrences of a Most Frequent Element300516Move all negative elements to end in order with extra space allowed290317Check if the given array can represent Level Order Traversal of Binary Search Tree284518Find whether a subarray is in form of a mountain or not277219Find All Pairs With a Given Difference262220Longest Increasing Subsequence252021Maximum sum of a path in a Right Number Triangle227522Maximum number of segments of lengths a, b and c226923Rearrange a binary string as alternate x and y occurrences215224Print modified array after executing the commands of addition and subtraction1800