Queries on XOR of greatest odd divisor of the range

Problem Statement The problem “Queries on XOR of greatest odd divisor of the range” states that you are given an array of integer and query q, each query consists of a range. The problem statement asks to find out the XOR of the greatest odd divisor within the given range …

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Text Justification LeetCode Solution

We will discuss Text Justification LeetCode Solution today Problem Statement The problem “Text Justification” states that you are given a list s[ ] of type string of size n and an integer size. Justify the text such that each line of text consists of size number of characters. You can …

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Shuffle 2n integers as a1-b1-a2-b2-a3-b3-..bn without using extra space

Problem Statement You are given an array of integers. The problem “Shuffle 2n integers as a1-b1-a2-b2-a3-b3-..bn without using extra space” asks to shuffle all the numbers in the array such that the numbers which are like (x0, x1, x2, x3, y0, y1, y2, y3) will be shuffled like x0, y0, …

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Check if the given array can represent Level Order Traversal of Binary Search Tree

Problem Statement The problem “Check if the given array can represent Level Order Traversal of Binary Search Tree” states that you are given a level order traversal of the binary search tree. And using the level order traversal of the tree. We need to efficiently find if the level order …

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Count pairs from two linked lists whose sum is equal to a given value

Problem Statement Problem “Count pairs from two linked lists whose sum is equal to a given value” state that you are given two linked lists and an integer value sum. The problem statement asked to find out how many total pair has a sum equal to the given value. Example …

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Largest area rectangular sub-matrix with equal number of 1’s and 0’s

Problem Statement Given a binary matrix of size n x m. The problem is to find the largest area rectangular sub-matrix with equal number of 1’s and 0’s. Example Dimensions = 4 x 4 Matrix: 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 …

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