Zigzag Conversion

In the Zigzag Conversion problem, we have given a string s of length n and an integer r representing the number of rows. Convert the given string in the zigzag pattern of r rows and concatenate the characters row-wise. Print the new concatenated string. Example Input :  s = “TutorialCup” …

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Search an Element in Sorted Rotated Array

In search in sorted rotated array problem we have given a sorted and rotated array and an element, check if the given element is present in the array or not. Examples Input nums[] = {2, 5, 6, 0, 0, 1, 2} target = 0 Output true Input nums[] = {2, …

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Wiggle Sort

Wiggle Sort!? All my readers must’ve found the name of today’s problem very funny. However, it is a very smart problem that tests our understanding of a varied range of concepts. Let us jump straight to the problem without any further confusion. Example You have an array Input: [1,5,1,6,4] Expected …

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Search in Sorted Rotated Array

An element search in sorted rotated array can be found using binary search in O(logn) time. The objective of this post is to find a given element in a sorted rotated array in O(logn) time. Some example of a sorted rotated array is given. Example Input : arr[] = {7,8,9,10,1,2,3,5,6}; …

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Maximum Subarray

In the Maximum Subarray problem we have given an integer array nums, find the contiguous sub array which has the largest sum and print the maximum sum subarray value. Example Input nums[] = {-2, 1, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 4} Output 6 Algorithm The goal is to find …

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Merging Intervals

In merging intervals problem we have given a set of intervals of the form [l, r], merge the overlapping intervals. Examples Input {[1, 3], [2, 6], [8, 10], [15, 18]} Output {[1, 6], [8, 10], [15, 18]} Input {[1, 4], [1, 5]} Output {[1, 5]} Naive Approach for merging intervals …

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LRU Cache Implementation

Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache is a type of method which is used to maintain the data such that the time required to use the data is the minimum possible. LRU algorithm used when the cache is full. We remove the least recently used data from the cache memory of …

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Merge Overlapping Intervals II

Problem Statement In the “Merge Overlapping Intervals II” problem we have given a set of intervals. Write a program that will merge the overlapping intervals into one and print all the non-overlapping intervals. Input Format The first line containing an integer n. Second-line containing n pairs where each pair is …

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