Flipkart Interview ExperienceTop flipkart interview questionsS.NoInterview QuestionNumber of times candidates experienced this question in interviews1Jump Game Leetcode Solution109192Candy LeetCode Solution75363Asteroid Collision LeetCode Solution67164Smallest window in a string containing all characters of another string66835Trapping Rain Water Leetcode Solution55276Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Leetcode Solution50187Container With Most Water LeetCode Solution50008Cuckoo sequence program49459Next Permutation473110Count Number of Occurrences in a Sorted Array418311Find Index of Closing Bracket for a Given Opening Bracket in an Expression403012Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal LeetCode Solution393013Largest Rectangle in Histogram LeetCode Solution391414Alien Dictionary LeetCode Solution388115The Celebrity Problem384216Minimum operation to make all elements equal in array384117Next Permutation LeetCode Solution382418Smallest Palindrome after Replacement357319Design a stack that supports getMin() in O(1) time and O(1) extra space345020Gold Mine Problem342621Trapping Rain Water LeetCode Solution337822Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum LeetCode Solution336323Sliding Window Median Leetcode Solution335324Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden LeetCode Solution330025Different Ways to Add Parentheses Leetcode Solution325326Queue using Stacks325127Queue based approach for first non-repeating character in a stream318828Binary Tree zigzag level order Traversal309129Level order Traversal in Spiral Form281130Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array LeetCode Solution2810