Intuit Interview Experience

Top intuit interview questions

S.NoInterview QuestionNumber of times candidates experienced this question in interviews
1Two Sum Leetcode Solution43198
2First Repeating Element14992
3Spiral Matrix LeetCode Solution10667
4Find the Maximum Repeating Number in Array9831
5Word Search Leetcode Solution9090
6Generate Parentheses Leetcode Solution6449
7Decode String Leetcode Solution6268
8Employee Free Time LeetCode Solution6094
9Trapping Rain Water Leetcode Solution5632
10Maximum Product of Three Numbers LeetCode Solution5145
11Container With Most Water LeetCode Solution5090
12Count of index pairs with equal elements in an array4227
13Reverse Nodes in k-Group LeetCode Solution4160
14Sudoku Solver4118
15Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Leetcode Solution3895
16Word Search3693
17LRU Cache Leetcode Solution3586
18Painting Fence Algorithm3586
19Interval Tree3407
20Palindrome Substring Queries3366
21Intersection of Two Linked Lists LeetCode Solution3303
22Find the first Repeating Number in a Given Array3300
23Check if Array Contains Contiguous Integers With Duplicates Allowed3246
24Heap Sort2927
25My Calendar I LeetCode Solution2870
26Increasing Subsequence of Length three with Maximum Product2608
27Delete Nodes and Return Forest Leetcode Solution2538
28Delete Nth node from the end of the given linked list2521
29Minimum insertions to form a palindrome with permutations allowed2377
30Print all triplets in sorted array that form AP2288
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