Construct BST from its given Level Order Traversal

Given the level order traversal of a Binary Search Tree, write an algorithm to construct the Binary Search Tree or BST from ITS given level order traversal. Example Input levelOrder[] = {18, 12, 20, 8, 15, 25, 5, 9, 22, 31} Output In-order : 5 8 9 12 15 18 …

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Construct Binary Tree from Given Inorder and Preorder Traversals

In this problem, we have inorder and preorder of the binary tree. We need to construct a binary tree from the given Inorder and Preorder traversals. Example Input: Inorder= [D, B, E, A, F, C] Preorder= [A, B, D, E, C, F] Output: Pre-order traversal of the tree formed by …

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