American Express Interview ExperienceTop american-express interview questionsS.NoInterview QuestionNumber of times candidates experienced this question in interviews1Valid Anagram Leetcode Solution84222Group Anagrams LeetCode Solution67843Product of Array Except Self LeetCode Solution63464Reducing Dishes LeetCode Solution62135Implementation of Deque using Doubly Linked List58906Subarray with Given Sum54997Same Tree LeetCode Solution53118Subarray Sum Equals k49619Remove Nth Node From End of List Leetcode Solution443310Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters Leetcode Solution383511Convert a normal BST to Balanced BST363212Sliding Window Maximum LeetCode Solution351313Maximum Sum of Non Consecutive Elements316214Smallest Multiple of a Given Number310615Isomorphic Strings LeetCode Solution276716Find the point where a monotonically increasing function becomes positive first time264317Check whether a given Binary Tree is Complete or not260018Check if a queue can be sorted into another queue using a stack244819Convert a String that is Repetition of a Substring of Length K2230