Nvidia Interview Experience

Top nvidia interview questions

S.NoInterview QuestionNumber of times candidates experienced this question in interviews
1Text Justification LeetCode Solution8900
2Search in Rotated Sorted Array Leetcode Solution7539
3Rotate Image LeetCode Solution7487
4Missing Number Leetcode Solution7060
5Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock LeetCode Solution6299
6Sort Colors LeetCode Solution6094
7String Compression LeetCode Solution6030
8Group Anagrams LeetCode Solution5755
9Product of Array Except Self LeetCode Solution5705
10H-Index Leetcode Solution5376
11Fibonacci Number LeetCode Solution5198
12Find Smallest Missing Number in a Sorted Array4939
13Find the Missing Number4936
14Find Pair with Given Difference4923
15Single Element in a Sorted Array LeetCode Solution4534
16Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Leetcode Solution4441
17Top K Frequent Words LeetCode Solution3864
18Maximize Distance to Closest Person LeetCode Solution3815
19Arrange given Numbers to Form the Biggest Number II3665
20Range Sum Query 2D – Immutable Leetcode Solution3563
21Sorting a Queue without Extra Space3537
22Smallest Element Repeated Exactly K Times3473
23The Celebrity Problem3412
24Largest Rectangle in Histogram LeetCode Solution3368
25Pair of Positive Negative Values in an Array3347
26Regular Expression Matching Regular Expression Matching LeetCode Solution3300
27Bitwise AND of Numbers Range LeetCode Solution3270
28LRU Cache Leetcode Solution3140
29Intersection of Two Linked Lists LeetCode Solution2866
30Find Median from Data Stream LeetCode Solution2834
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