Qualtrics Interview ExperienceTop qualtrics interview questionsS.NoInterview QuestionNumber of times candidates experienced this question in interviews1Roman to Integer Leetcode Solution110952Unique Paths Leetcode Solution65083A Product Array Puzzle64824Decode String Leetcode Solution57155Bellman Ford Algorithm53466Word Ladder LeetCode Solution50157Trapping Rain Water Leetcode Solution49938Unique Paths II Leetcode Solution45169Find Triplet in Array With a Given Sum438410Letter Combinations of a Phone Number433911Stock Buy Sell to Maximize Profit433112Container With Most Water LeetCode Solution431913Unique Paths361014Next Permutation LeetCode Solution352715Clone Graph LeetCode Solution349916Count of Triplets With Sum Less than Given Value349417Graph Valid Tree LeetCode Solution3331183 Sum313419Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock310320Trapping Rain Water LeetCode Solution308021Rearrange an array in order – smallest, largest, 2nd smallest, 2nd largest306122Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix LeetCode Solution299423Interval Tree296724Binary Tree zigzag level order Traversal269825Smallest Subarray With all Occurrences of a Most Frequent Element268526Word Break266127Merge Overlapping Intervals II260928Level order Traversal in Spiral Form255829My Calendar I LeetCode Solution253730Validate Binary Search Tree2485