Qualtrics Interview ExperienceTop qualtrics interview questionsS.NoInterview QuestionNumber of times candidates experienced this question in interviews1Roman to Integer Leetcode Solution117612A Product Array Puzzle74863Unique Paths Leetcode Solution69914Decode String Leetcode Solution62675Bellman Ford Algorithm58316Trapping Rain Water Leetcode Solution56327Word Ladder LeetCode Solution55738Container With Most Water LeetCode Solution50909Unique Paths II Leetcode Solution493810Letter Combinations of a Phone Number480111Find Triplet in Array With a Given Sum474712Stock Buy Sell to Maximize Profit466513Unique Paths395514Next Permutation LeetCode Solution387715Clone Graph LeetCode Solution379716Count of Triplets With Sum Less than Given Value379417Graph Valid Tree LeetCode Solution3710183 Sum365319Trapping Rain Water LeetCode Solution342920Interval Tree340721Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock337322Rearrange an array in order – smallest, largest, 2nd smallest, 2nd largest337323Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix LeetCode Solution327424Binary Tree zigzag level order Traversal315725Smallest Subarray With all Occurrences of a Most Frequent Element301226Word Break296027Merge Overlapping Intervals II288328My Calendar I LeetCode Solution287029Level order Traversal in Spiral Form284330Validate Binary Search Tree2801