Visa Interview ExperienceTop visa interview questionsS.NoInterview QuestionNumber of times candidates experienced this question in interviews1Daily Temperatures Leetcode Solution89362Search in Rotated Sorted Array Leetcode Solution88303Valid Anagram Leetcode Solution82834Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock LeetCode Solution77245Largest Number Leetcode Solution73506A Product Array Puzzle73347String Compression LeetCode Solution68218Sort Colors LeetCode Solution66459Reverse Integer Leetcode Solution629410Merge Sorted Array LeetCode Solution574611Find Pair with Given Difference570712Subarray Sum Equals K LeetCode Solution557413Trapping Rain Water Leetcode Solution552714First Unique Character in a String LeetCode Solution550915Break a Palindrome LeetCode Solution519216Find Triplet in Array With a Given Sum469817Top K Frequent Words LeetCode Solution437318Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 LeetCode Solution426919Diagonal Traverse LeetCode Solution421420Diagonal Traversal LeetCode Solution397121Count of Triplets With Sum Less than Given Value375822N queen problem339723Strongly Connected Component321724Heap Sort286725Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray271226Find All Pairs With a Given Difference258427The Knapsack Problem247128Find Peak Element228529Write a function to get the intersection point of two Linked Lists211230Merge Sorted Array1872