CodeNation Interview Experience

Top codenation interview questions

S.NoInterview QuestionNumber of times candidates experienced this question in interviews
1Check length of a String is Equal to the Number Appended at its Last7508
2Count all subsequences having product less than K5480
3Backspace String Compare4343
4Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence3539
5Painting Fence Algorithm3000
6Maximum path sum in a triangle2751
7Sequences of given length where every element is more than or equal to twice of previous2648
8Largest rectangular sub-matrix whose sum is 02552
9LCS (Longest Common Subsequence) of three strings2459
10Find maximum length Snake sequence2364
11Number of palindromic paths in a matrix2220
12A Space Optimized DP solution for 0-1 Knapsack Problem2160
13Count ways to reach the nth stair using step 1, 2 or 32054
14Difference Array | Range update query in O(1)1967
15Longest Increasing Subsequence1886
16K maximum sums of overlapping contiguous sub-arrays1860
17Matrix Chain Multiplication1753
18The Painter’s Partition Problem1713
19Number of siblings of a given Node in n-ary Tree1707
20Minimum insertions to form a palindrome with permutations allowed1612
21Red-Black Tree Introduction1516
22Longest Bitonic Subsequence1473
23Constant time range add operation on an array1470
24Segment Tree1441
25Priority Queue1371
26Range Queries for Longest Correct Bracket Subsequence1354
27Number of elements less than or equal to a given number in a given subarray1256
28Maximum weight transformation of a given string1198
29Maximum Subarray Sum Excluding Certain Elements1145
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